The afternoon projects thread

XCVG said:
Ah, okay. Does that LPC rebuild board work or am I better off with wires?
I would LCP rebuild, in case the chip needed to be switched out.(would be easier)
What I meant was, should I LPC rebuild with the included board or just use wires to do it?
here is my joule thief flashlight :sweat:


So it all started with the top of a mini dvd case and a medicine bottle cap glued into the center, from my box of scraps:

I then poured molten liquideous waxitritium resin into it, and stuck some miniature palladium rods into it while I cooled it in my freezer:

After it had cooled, I wrapped flux capacitance coated wire near the palladium entry points, and put a solid titanium pipe into the middle of it, which also holds the electromagnet within arcing distance from the reactor.

I did not have a free 240v outlet to charge this baby up with at the time, so I wired 160 AAA's from my box of scraps, and readied the high voltage ultrafan to cool the charged resin and to keep the initial charge-up fumes out of my area.

Here it is in the final charging process; as you can see the electromagnet is pulling all of my wires towards it:

The fan did not keep the soot from covering all my cave lamps though, so here it is in the dark. :P

(I made an arc reactor prop out of some leds, AAA's, candle wax, thick solder, and some metal I had laying around. It has a magnet glued to the bottom, so this thing could be a cool locker/fridge/desk ornament.)

Only if you get it up to 88 miles per hour and generate the necessary 1.21 gigawatts of energy.
My wos Iron man heroclick approves of this afternoon project.

A cookie to anyone who knows what heroclix is.
9000 cookies plus the 1 if anyone else plays.
I know what heroclix is. I used to play, way back when. It's a strategy game closely linked to.....i can't remember what it's called, but it's not unlink warhammer 40,000, save for the fact that they are not metal, idk if you have to paint them now, and warhammer doesn't have the spinning click thing.

On topic though, SS what does that thing do besides look totally awesome? Can it hold that charge and continue glowing even when not hooked up? (I know nothing about anything but Gameboys)

I wish it could do that, that would be awesome. It's jsut a prop for like a video or something. So yeah, it just looks cool, unless you wanted to use the fan for cooling something. It's kind of a neat effect when showing it to people, they don't notice the fan, you turn it on and the fan is spinning, so I tell them to hold their hand over the top of it and they feel the slight breeze. People look at it and see all the wires coming out of it, the solder wrapped around it, and they are like "WOWZERS" and I tell them what it is. I put it in my locker. :ssawesome:

I've always wanted to make something like that, it's just fun with LEDs and metal, albeit compared to almost all props it's nothing fantastic.
