The afternoon projects thread

Probably so that if you've got the case on the floor they're easier to access from your chair. Only downside is the potential for dust to collect in them -- I was gonna buy some plastic USB port covers for that reason but they were insanely expensive, like $10 for a pack of ten plus shipping or some BS like that.
Twilight Wolf said:
Probably so that if you've got the case on the floor they're easier to access from your chair. Only downside is the potential for dust to collect in them -- I was gonna buy some plastic USB port covers for that reason but they were insanely expensive, like $10 for a pack of ten plus shipping or some BS like that.
Okay, it's just in the photo you have the case on top of the desk/table, and it looked like the cables were getting a bit of strain :dah:
Well, I took a trip to my basement, and found a box that said, "NES Stuff". So, I opened it and found three controllers, along with a NES Advantage, and a zapper. I decided to paint two of the controllers, because what use do I have for five controllers total? Here are some picutres of the finished controllers. I call the colors, Retro White, and Gaming Gold.



If you are wondering what is on the bottom of the white controller, it's some stuff, (I'm not sure what it is) that was there before I painted it. I'm going to sand it down, and I'm hoping that will fix it.
One of the two car seat covers I bought at a garage sale a few weeks back had the seam under where the headrest goes split out, and the stuffing was coming out. So I stitched it up as neatly as I could with some black thread to keep it from falling apart any further and covered up the seam with some black duct tape. Looks way better now. I'm pleased with myself. :D

the lid of my Asus EEE 701. I decided the Biohazard sticker that was on it was getting outdated. so I picked up my dremel, with the drillbit that was in it, and milled that out. Im mixing up some red ABS cement to fill it in, and Ive cleaned up the edges quite a bit since that was taken.
I have more than one laptop. While I prefer to play Paragon, I think the renegade symbol goes better on that particular computer. Plus I think Im gonna deck it out with red EL wire, since its got a lot of empty space inside of it, and I happen to have several feet of red EL which I dont really have a purpose for. I will do Paragon on my new laptop, when it shows up.
Tried to build a fog chiller. I think the theory is sound, but the execution not so much.

Basically, I took a cardboard box and duct taped in a garbage bag liner. I cut a hole in one end and shoved most of a milk jug in, duct taping it in. On the other end I cut a circular hole, and put a hardware mesh "tube" in. I put all the ice we had in, and taped a piece of garbage bag over the top.

It didn't work that well, but it did have an effect. I found that it was best with the tube in, shoving the fog machine right against the milk jug and angling it down slightly. I had nowhere near enough ice even for the small cardboard box. I also found out that there was a leak somewhere. The effect wasn't that dramatic, but it was noticable.

The current plan is to build a second one, maybe a little bit bigger, inside a foam cooler. Definitely using more ice, either making it and storing it somehow or simply buying a bag or two. My dad suggested dressing it up as a coffin to hide it. That seems like a pretty good idea. I think I'll do it backwards, with the tombstone facing the front of the yard and the fog coming out behind it, near our front door.

The current plan involves two motion sensors, an Arduino, a dropping ghost, lasers, blacklight, hacked camera flash, and some sort of scary sound effect.
Great. But you forgot the sync line, so you'll have to find a monitor and a source that supports Sync-on-green. And good luck finding a monitor that supports 15KHz RGB (dunno why it's this way, it's just software now). The only use I can see for that is an XBOX with a VGA BIOS. Which is a pretty cool use, actually.

Now that I think about it, though, I think you could use the brown wires for sync.
XCVG said:
Great. But you forgot the sync line, so you'll have to find a monitor and a source that supports Sync-on-green. And good luck finding a monitor that supports 15KHz RGB (dunno why it's this way, it's just software now). The only use I can see for that is an XBOX with a VGA BIOS. Which is a pretty cool use, actually.

Now that I think about it, though, I think you could use the brown wires for sync.
BUT I made it thus it be :awesome: b(n_n)d
seriously though I knew I should have went with the S-Video cable instead :sweat:
Was a good for my soldering skills though :3
So, anyone here who's seen or owned any of the 90X line of ASUS netbooks knows that them speakers suck balls. Partially, because their blowing sound into your crotch instead of at your face.

Well, I didn't have any good speakers to replace my current ones with, but I did rip'em out of the bottom, slice 'em up a bit, and glue them onto the top of my motherboard. Then I drilled out some quick holes on the top, and viola! It throws flaxty sound into my face instead of into my crotch. It does sound better, at least. ... 1283746160

I plan on doing further mods to this lappy thanks to a lot of documentation on the eeeuser forums. :twisted: