The afternoon projects thread

Get your brother to pretend to be a spy, with blue clothes, with you wearing a red shirt. He'll have a spy's facemask on and stuff, and you'll (pretend to) set him on fire after you bump into him.(or, he pretends to be another red with a red shirt and you flame him, he dies with a blue stuff on, etc.)(like a spy)
I just spent fifteen minutes building a lamp out of an old light fixture, and ice cream bucket and hot glue... because I can. Now I just get to wait on it to melt.
Ten-minute book-scanning setup. I scanned 155 pages in about 15 minutes.
It goes like this: Lift glass, flip page. Set glass down, shoot photo. Repeat.
Points if you can guess what book it is. (Toast and Palmer, you guys aren't allowed to guess. :P)

That dolphin book that you bought 100 of for palmer after hacking his paypal?