Thanksgiving Break, anyone?


No Stranger To Love
Well, Thanksgiving is this week. I know some people have Thanksgiving Break at their school, but do you guys?

I'm gonna do nothing productive this week. How about you guys?
J.D said:
Well, Thanksgiving is this week. I know some people have Thanksgiving Break at their school, but do you guys?

I'm gonna do nothing productive this week. How about you guys?
Protablez. 3 hopefully. Oh yeah, basketball starts tomorrow, thus ruining my break :sweat: I get out Wednesday at noon.
Why is thanksgiving a different MONTH in the US compared to Canada? I saw this thanksgiving thing online and I was like WTF until I remembered that.
XCVG said:
Why is thanksgiving a different MONTH in the US compared to Canada? I saw this thanksgiving thing online and I was like WTF until I remembered that.
They celebrate different things.

The United States Thanksgiving was a TOTALLY DIFFERENT EVENT.
We named it "Thanksgiving".
Then, Canada was like, "Ya, well, we gonna make are own Thanksgiving, and ya know, it'll be even better ey!"

They're different dates because they celebrate different things entirely.
2 days! Then I continue my portablications. oh and trying to make money and not be homeless steals from my break slightly :dahroll:
I get Thanksgiving and the day after off, but I am ditching a day of class. :cool: I am going to go visit some family for Thanksgiving, might not have any internet, but the food is good enough for me to not care.


Lies. I will still care. :awesome:
Off All Week!

Working on my N64p :dah:

Plus I need to find a TV to use for testing in my workshop....
jleemero said:
You see, when you make it to "big boy" school, you don't breaks or vacations.
what are you talking about? I'm going to college and I'm off from Wednesday to the end of the week.
I have off from Wednesday to next Monday. I plan on finishing my GCp over the break but that can only happen if my switching regulator arrives this week.
I have thursday and friday off, and will be doing two main things during this time: fixing the cartridge slot on my genesis and baking pumpkin pies and cheesecakes. Anyone want an easy recipe, PM me.