Submit your Signature Banner creations here!


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Modretro needs a sig banner that we can all put in our signatures on benheck and other forums. If you are good at computer art, try your hand! If you get picked, you win the prize of... Getting credit for making it, and nothing else! :lol:
I've got one 80% done, but a friend of mine is having issues. Will post it later on today.
I could have sworn I posted before you merged topics.

In anycase, I'll say what i thought I posted about your banner.

I like it, but the words "modretro" look a bit smushed.
Perfect for SS :lol: Actually, I know why SS uses so much hotglue, it is awesome! I use it for everything now, even when it isn't nessesary :mrgreen:
bacteria said:
(merged my topic onto this one).

I know Beta and Bibin are looking at making a cool banner for this site, so we can add it to our sigs for other forums.

I wanted to hopefully bring some of the members over to us from PCengineFX (I don't think BH members go there), so made a banner. It is a temporary one and can be easily changed if needs be.

There are plenty of members here who I am sure will like to have a bash at submitting sigs, so thought you guys might like to contribute to ideas. Let's have one say 500 x 30 pixels and one say 135 x (about) 160 to start with, then members can post their sigs under their normal ones on other sites, or alongside an existing one.

There is no guarantee at all that any of these, including mine, will be "the final product", so please consider entries as "ideas and suggestions".

I suggest that members say what they think about them, then Mods and Admin have the final say.

Anyway, here's the one I posted on PCengineFX forum today - sits nicely under my current sig:

As said, this thread is "for fun", however, if someone comes up with a great sig banner there is a chance it might get used.

Also, let's have ideas for the microchip sig in the top of the forum; it is nice, but again, anyone come up with alternatives (unlikely it will change, but you never know!).

I like this one, but I think this site should not just be about making "portables" but more making mods in general, with portables being a part of it. The reason I put "portables" in quotation marks is because the size of most portables is more like a luggable, and not very pleasant to carry around :?
Bibin said:
bacteria said:
(merged my topic onto this one).

I know Beta and Bibin are looking at making a cool banner for this site, so we can add it to our sigs for other forums.

I wanted to hopefully bring some of the members over to us from PCengineFX (I don't think BH members go there), so made a banner. It is a temporary one and can be easily changed if needs be.

There are plenty of members here who I am sure will like to have a bash at submitting sigs, so thought you guys might like to contribute to ideas. Let's have one say 500 x 30 pixels and one say 135 x (about) 160 to start with, then members can post their sigs under their normal ones on other sites, or alongside an existing one.

There is no guarantee at all that any of these, including mine, will be "the final product", so please consider entries as "ideas and suggestions".

I suggest that members say what they think about them, then Mods and Admin have the final say.

Anyway, here's the one I posted on PCengineFX forum today - sits nicely under my current sig:

As said, this thread is "for fun", however, if someone comes up with a great sig banner there is a chance it might get used.

Also, let's have ideas for the microchip sig in the top of the forum; it is nice, but again, anyone come up with alternatives (unlikely it will change, but you never know!).

I like this one, but I think this site should not just be about making "portables" but more making mods in general, with portables being a part of it. The reason I put "portables" in quotation marks is because the size of most portables is more like a luggable, and not very pleasant to carry around :?
But that's not even our fault, it's the fault of the maker of the system, for making the motherboards so big :wtf: Reasonably sized portables are being made now that systems are being redesigned e.g. NOAC, AOAC, C64OAC, Retro duo, FC twin, the like.

But aside from that, I agree with you, because I like doing mods to my handhelds over portables because they are much cheaper. And Bacteria, you always seem to force Portables>other mods, why is this?
I'm a rebel, I'm double-posting.
Scanner is crap, used my awesome Lumix.

Clickers beware, it's 2279x1282. (aka GIGANTOR)
I think it's a pretty cool idea for a logo.
I could easily adapt it into a banner, a sig, etc. Oh, gotta digitize it first. I loves me some line-art. Gotta learn how to use
Illustrator. :?

It's still in the Beta stage. (PUNS :( ), changes aplenty can be made. I just wanted to get the general idea out.

What say you all?
That is good for a sig, Beta. Keep us posted!

Caredo, I love that! I would be so happy if the forum theme was based on that color set/style... ;) I can give you the art resources to edit, if you are up for it.
bacteria said:

Caredo -
I like this style, clean looking, crisp. Regards the logos for Atari, N64 and Playstation logos, how about using logos less specific, like a Nintendo logo (the official one), Sony, Sega, Atari and also a logo of a generic console that would represent "other systems". Wording - how about "Game Consoles*Portables*Handhelds*General mods"? "we have hot glue" isn't really expressing the message!

How about making a banner slimmer, and also a square one?

I simply chose the 3 most commonly (from what I've seen, anyway) portable-ized systems and threw them in there. This is very rough work, so it's definitely not set in stone. I tried the regular Nintendo logo, but resizing it to something as small as a 40x40 square is difficult without making it unreadable.

By all means, I'm open for suggestions. The "we have hot glue" bit was intended as a joke, and I threw it there because I couldn't think of a clever slogan.

Also, adding that much text would be a pain, especially if you want it slimmer. P: