starting a gaming site, anyone wanna chip in?


Frequent Poster
ok so i have this old domain that i want to transfer to this site right here,, but i'm so freakin poor and am not good with hosting a site that well
they have pretty good packages and i know the people that run the site pretty well. just wondering if anyone wanted to help out. i mean running a site by yourself isn't that easy. tried it before got know where :lol:. anyone who helps will get full access to everything, as long as you are trustworthy. if i won't be able to trust you than just go the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* away :dah:
this is not going to be another BenHeck ripoff, just a site about gaming in general. so if you wanna help chip in just pm me or post, i'll be setting up a paypal account soon for the site and also maybe a small bank account.
Is this for your own personal amusement, or do you have a plan to get money to pay for the site/make a profit off the site?
well i don't plan on doing it for money really, just a place where you can chat about anything that has to do with gaming from atari to xbox 360. maybe put a donate button somewhere so if people want to donate they can.and then maybe get some game reviews in there and have some gaming tournaments.
Joeyjoe9876 said:
well i don't plan on doing it for money really, just a place where you can chat about anything that has to do with gaming from atari to xbox 360. maybe put a donate button somewhere so if people want to donate they can.and then maybe get some game reviews in there and have some gaming tournaments.

U can do that here tho. :dahroll:
epicelite said:
Joeyjoe9876 said:
well i don't plan on doing it for money really, just a place where you can chat about anything that has to do with gaming from atari to xbox 360. maybe put a donate button somewhere so if people want to donate they can.and then maybe get some game reviews in there and have some gaming tournaments.

U can do that here tho. :dahroll:
:dahroll: :lol: i'm still thinkin up ideas :P and it is kinda fun to organize your own site after a while.
Unless it's something interesting, most people will stick to sites like Racketboy.

If you want to say something about Bacteria because I said Racketboy, go ahead. It's not helping anyone.
Make your site a giant link to ModRetro and then spam it all over the internet.

ModRetro = gaming, therefore it will be a gaming site! :awesome:

ShockSlayer said:
Make your site a giant link to ModRetro and then spam it all over the internet.

ModRetro = gaming, therefore it will be a gaming site! :awesome:

that may be one of the best ideas i have ever heard but... no :wtf: :awesome: