Sprocket64 Worklog. FINISHED. See page 27.

Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 157% less abandonment!

I don't have a camera with me, sorry. ;)

I got the controller board cut to just under 1.5x2 inches and got that all hooked up. All the controls work flawlessly. The N64 board is glued down, the charge port wired correctly. I hooked up daftmike's pushbutton power board (http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/992/dscf8102a.jpg) and it works. There's one problem, though. It only works correctly when just the screen is connected. If I connect the N64 as well, the whole unit shuts off.
I know there's not a short or anything because if I bypass the power board, everything runs just fine.
My MOSFET can certainly handle the amps, 5.6A at 100v. I don't know what the problem is. :( I'm going the build the board again from scratch and see if that works.
I also had trouble with interference earlier. It took me about two hours to figure out, but apparently the power board shut itself off whenever it was near the screen's CCFL inverter. :roll: I simply have to move it to the other side of the portable.

Pictures maybe Sunday.

Also, after this weekend, there will be no updates for a week. I have to empty my room except for my bed and clothes because of school issues. Sorry, guys.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 157% less abandonment!

Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 157% less abandonment!

Well, it's good to know that I'm not the only one who has to empty their room because of school stuff.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 157% less abandonment!

Get it done before the week then, you gin-choober.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 98% less progress!

I just read this entire thread start to finish.

Come back soon please. :D
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 98% less progress!

I too re-read the thread and I must say that I truly love this portable. I hope there will be an update soon as I am greatly anticipating the finished product. The craftsmanship and creativity is amazing and I really admire your skills. Oh and another thing.. 7" Screen FTW!!! :awesome: I'm am SO using a 7" screen on my next portable. The widescreen doesn't look THAT bad. Infact, I might enjoy a wider screen :wink: can't wait for your return Mario :wink:
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 98% less progress!

Thanks, guys. :) Still on restriction. Maybe next week my grades will be up enough.
I just got lazy, was all. But of course, it's difficult to bring a grade up once it slips down.

Also, preview of coming attractions!


After the Sprocket64 is done, of course. :wink:
Guess what it is. Take note of the ruler (in inches) on the side. :)
Full size: http://i42.tinypic.com/j8mgb5.jpg
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 98% less progress!

What screen is that? PSP stick? Center C? Is that Start? Where are A and B?

That's not a Playstation portable, is it?
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 98% less progress!

thats like the same size as my SNES (still havent worked on it). which, depending on thickness, is really small!
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 98% less progress!

Atari 2600 portable. Only system that includes one action button, mono sound, and smallness on that scale.
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 98% less progress!

Basement gets +4 smart points! :awesome:

Beta, I wish I could make a PSOne portable that was 5x3 inches and only 1.25 inches thick. :P

So, cool story. Two minutes (I'm not exaggerating) after I posted that up there, my mom texted me saying I could have my stuff back for the weekend. :awesome: So, since all I have to do is fix the power board and install the batteries, I might have this portable done before the weekend is over! :D
Re: Sprocket64 Worklog. Now with 98% less progress!

Mario said:
Basement gets +4 smart points! :awesome:

Beta, I wish I could make a PSOne portable that was 5x3 inches and only 1.25 inches thick. :P
*grabs ruler*
*measure mock-up*
*posts results*
i got 6X4X1.25, without the DD.that is without some major trimming, which i believe could shave nearly an extra inch off the board.

anywho, get back on topic. post pictures.