Also notice how their site was back to full speed almost instantly. Most sites usually take around a day to recover from a heavy traffic increase like that.
What a piece of crap. I couldn't get in at all. I got to the page to input my paypal info to pay shipping but could never get past that. It kind of makes me feel better though to know that everyone else here had the same experience...
Sparkfun is reliable, they've been a top notch electronics store for a while now, but I dunno. I don't think they'd pull something like this, I think they said they had 70,000 users this morning, that's a lot for the server to handle methinks.
Status Product Qty Total
Item in Box TOL-00085 Soldering Station Variable Temperature 70W - Digital 1 $99.95
Subtotal $99.95
Shipping and Handling + $10.15
Grand Total: $110.10
[7:47:15 AM] Nate: Pending Credit Card Transactions $10.15 New