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I'm betting Mario will get real excited for that Dolphin Dicks folder you got on there.
Pfft, yeah right. Are you serious?

I mean come on, I have plenty of those already.
Just cleaned it. All the crap went into "New Folder."
Mako321 said:
Yeah, but Unity is just disgusting.
I've only used 11.10 that I installed on an XP computer. It seems fine to me, but I heard it's drastically different than previous versions.
I've never tried Unity, only the old GNOME version. I switched to Lubuntu (LXDE) for speed at first, but I found myself liking the interface more, probably because it's more like Windows. Right now I don't actually have a Linux box, though. My Minecraft server is running Windows and it works just fine so I haven't bothered to change it, and the garage PC's power supply crashed. My Linux USB drive is all screwed up because I installed it on my PC instead of a crappy one.
Ragdim said:

Screenshot of my pewta smewta setup.
Nice to see a rainmeter setup. I wish I didnt have to share my desktop (and it is mine; bought and built) with the computer illiterate fools I live with, or Id be running it on here.
XCVG said:
That looks awesome, but it also looks really weird to use. Where's the taskbar?
It's actually better (imo) than the default windows setup because I can access a lot more items in a more organized fashion straight from my desktop. I have a program that hides my windows taskbar on startup, and I have an addon which incorporates my notification area into rocketdock (which massively spiked in CPU usage here for some reason). Here it is:


(Let me know if I should remove my previous desktop screeny)
Just curious, but what happens when you have a bunch of things open at once? Also, how's the resource usage on that? All that eye candy can't be free.

I'll probably keep my ghetto desktop (at least it runs Aero now). It is butt-ugly by comparison, but works great. Utilitarian and minimalistic.