Pokemon hack Team , If you'd like to join ask.

TheNineRings said:
I cant go on the chat, it doesnt work for me for some unknown reason. I can do yahoo chat, I think... but otherwise, that will be a problem.
I will inform you on everything we discuss as soon as we get everything sorted out.
Alright, thanks Bo. I have a LOT of free time due to it being summer vacation and I dont have a job, so I could put a lot of time into this if I needed to.
I'm excited for us to begin. I have some ideas, but they need a base idea to wrap around. I'll pm them once everything's been sorted out and I know what has been sorted out. This is going to be... I dont wanna say it...fine I'll say it... AWESOMELY EPIC!
BoFoSho said:
Antome said:
I can also do tile editing. In some cases I can use TLP but it wierds me out, so I'd prefer image filetypes :P

If you don't trust me, I guess that's fine..
(You trust me, right?)

I'm probably more potent at scenery and environment, but you know. I try.
I trust you. :wink:

Everyone wanna meet up at 6-8 pm friday est time ?
that'd be midday or so saturday for me, i'll see ;)
rodtza1 said:
Hi there! I'm new and all, but Mako321 suggests I join. Can I?
I believe this guy makes modretro history as the first person to post and still have 0 posts. :mrgreen:
The guy who posted the pic of palmer's face covering the boobies of a fat girl has 0 posts too.
budnespid said:
It's in spamalot drue. No post count here.
I realized that.. :wtf: I was just pointing it out that he was awesome for having a post count of zero and making his mark on the forums :twisted:
I already mentioned this in the other thread and in the chat, but I'd love to help with mapping and other random things. I have experience using AdvanceMap and EliteMap from a few years back.