OLED Screens

PalmerTech said:
They should be available with or without anti-glare.

And JD, that is AMOLED. Not the same tech. From Wikipedia:

"AMOLED displays often aren't as bright as their LCD counterparts when viewed outdoors or in direct sunlight."

OLED displays are absurdly bright, or can be, and they are usually more visible than LCDs in sunlight, barring special transflective sunlight readable displays. Basically, OLED is god for indoors, and acceptable for outdoors, and far better than, say, a PSone screen.
Dang. I just got Palmertech'd.
Power consumption will be less, though I am not sure how much less.

It is probably not worth it for yourself, but I would absolutely love to get a commission customer willing to pay for one. :P Keep in mind people like Rekarp have taken commissions with $200 or so AEIcomp screens (Their prices have dropped a bit, thankfully).
Great find on those screens, but after browsing the AZOLED034A datasheet, for my $340, I know I'd much rather have a dx 3.5" lcd and $310 leftover than one of these oled screens.

For a start the OLED consumes >2.5 times the power of the lcds(195mA @ 12V, vs ~70mA @ 12V) and the OLEDs brightness is only 200nits, about the same as the lcds.
Also the thickness is actually 8.80±1mm including the driver board, and that's about the same as the 3.5" lcds too.

So for a portable it's only real advantage is picture quality, and side-by-side there's no way oled is worth 10x the price and 2.5x the power of lcd. Maybe if it were cheaper or less power-hungry, but not at the moment when you can get a comparable lcd for $30.
Thanks for your expert input, daftmike. I agree that there is no way they are worth the price even more now. :(

The only benefit I can see would be bragging rights, and most of us do not have the disposable cash for that. :P
Like you said, I'd love the chance to work with one, but only as long as it wasn't my money paying for it.:D