Official Wiikey Fusion to GC MOD troubleshooting thread!

Er, no duh its not working! :roll: Makesure to bridge all the grounds on the adapter board aswell.
Just bridged the rest of the grounds, on the board and on the breakout board; still the same problem. Could the fact that my wiikey isn't genuine be the problem?
Σigma said:
Could the fact that my wiikey isn't genuine be the problem?

If it just wasn't working I'd say this may be a problem.

The issue you describe is what happens when a power or dataline is bridged to ground. The GC regulator can sense "surges" on the ground connection and will shut down to protect the GC. Get out your multimeter and start checking your connections for ground bridging. Also check your FFC is seated properly and has continuity on the correct pins going from the end of the FFC to the points where you solder to.

If the GC powers on without the wiikey connected. This is definitely your problem.
So yesterday while working on a commission I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why my Wiikey wasn't working on my commissioned cube. To make a long story short, I had just ordered 2 new Wiikeys from foundmy to use for future projects and testing. Turns out one of the card readers they shipped me was bad and that's why the chip wasn't working right. I swapped to the 2nd card reader that they shipped after a few hours of *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing around to no end and it booted right up.

Moral of the story: ALWAYS test your Wiikey on either a Wii or a Cube that you know is working with them before jumping to conclusions about wiring, etc. Doh!
I have quick simple problem. I think others have had this issue before....

My wiikey boots up fine, goes to the menu, displays the game, etc. Then I boot the game, It shows the game in the gamecube startup menu (like normal).

Then I press start to get the game going, and it goes to a black screen and stays there. I tested it on Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 1 and 2. I KNOW these ISO's are fine. I have used them before. I re-ran the wiikey 1.5 update as well, but that didn't fix it.

I think my card reader is messed up from super glue, or my SD card. But would it really show the game in the startup menu but then not boot it???
Wiikey's are picky, that said, I've only ever dealt with two, the one in my SLGC(which is a Sega) and the one Ashen wired to my XGC, which is more or less, the wiikey fusion of Jesus in comparison.

The one on the XGC loads every single time. I never get header errors or WBFS errors.
However, on the SLGC? I've found myself restarting the cube 10-15 times before I even get it to display the games on the menu. I mean, with the switch fix, I always get the GClinux image to pop up in the bios, but getting the menu afterwards to show the games from the SD card, it's ridiculous.

ShockSlayer said:
Wiikey's are picky

For sure. If you're using a breakout board to connect your Wiikey it may be a misaligned FFC or latency issues, or just a mis-connection or short somewhere. I've found most of my problems with Wiikeys have been latency, i.e. wires to long/thick. Which is easily fixable, but a major pain in the ass because of how many connections there are.

Re-check all your connections and make sure stuff is secure. If you got a bunch of crap in the cardreader I can see that leading to problems though too. Take it apart and clean it?
Ashen said:
I've found most of my problems with Wiikeys have been latency, i.e. wires to long/thick. Which is easily fixable, but a major pain in the ass because of how many connections there are.
Better than an N64, though, I'd take 20 over 50 any day! :P

I can only wonder about latency in regards to how long the cable is going to the SD card reader itself, has anyone ever tried shortening it/hard wiring it?

That said, I've found interesting results with this wiikey and flashing games to it, sometimes it boots up no problem a few times after having just flashed a game to it, but then it goes back to being a pain.

I'll try using the "good" wiikey's sd card slot, see if that changes anything.

Yea, I actually got a Wiikey from foundmy that the card reader would only work like maybe 1 in 20 tries. Even when it would load what was on the card it would crash when I'd boot a game though. I just RMA'd it and they sent me a new one. I've found its nice to have a Wii or a GC set up just for testing wiikey's.
Ashen said:
Yea, I actually got a Wiikey from foundmy that the card reader would only work like maybe 1 in 20 tries. Even when it would load what was on the card it would crash when I'd boot a game though. I just RMA'd it and they sent me a new one. I've found its nice to have a Wii or a GC set up just for testing wiikey's.

so if the game is loading up in the startup menu, but then "black screens" on me when I try to boot it, that means the card reader is bad right??? Not my wiring???
I have a weird one.

Everything boots fine, goes into the menu fine, goes into the game load screen and shows all the games on the card.

Then nothing, can't move up or down, a and b button don't do anything.

The wiring is perfect, grounds are fine, ffc has been checked and re-checked. Tried using different controllers.

The only thing I did different on this one was I sanded barely 1mm of the edges of the Wii-Key. But there were no traces on the edges that I could see. And stupid me, I forgot to wire it up and make sure everything was working BEFORE I sanded on it.

Any ideas ?
Can you post a pic of your sanded wiikey hail? Then I can compare with the spares I have here.
Ashen said:
Can you post a pic of your sanded wiikey hail? Then I can compare with the spares I have here.


As you can see I sanded the left/right side of the Wiikey about 1mm. I thought there were no traces there.

The middle leg of the bottom right chip was ground that I had to re-attach, that is the small grey wire. The only other things it could be is the other two outer legs of that same chip OR the right side of the two resistors on the top left of the pic. Could you trace those four things back for me ?

Thanks :)
I've looked at my spare chips super close both last night and today and I really cant see anything you would've broken with the trim you've done besides the stuff you've already pointed out.

I think that maybe the problem lies not in the fact that the Wiikey loads and you just can't select stuff with the controller, but that the wiikey loads the loader iso and is then hanging/crashing right away.

There are a few possible solutions:

Bad cardreader/improperly inserted FFC going from cardreader to chip. Do you have a spare cardreader you can try? Make sure the FFC is very snug going into both the cardreader and the chip. I've had this happen a few times.

If you're using a "breakout board" make sure the FFC is 100% lined up properly.

Are you using WBFS manager 4.0 from the wiikey site? Is your Wiikey updated to firmware v1.5?

Try using a different SD card?

Bad connection on main FFC going from GC to modchip, I've had it happen a few times that even though I tested all the connections that I soldered to the FFC there still ended up being a bad connection somewhere. A few times I had symptoms like you describe hail. The Wiikey chip would load and boot fine in the BIOS then hang when I went to boot games, etc.

That's all I can think of for now, hope this helps.