Nobble's SNES Portable: The Scarlet SNES

Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

Wow, it looks really cool. I like the color red, I don't think I've ever seen one painted red. Looks like you are nearly there. I can't wait to see it finished!
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

How did you get such a perfect cartridge cover?
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

i like the SFC buttons very awesome. i'm gettin some shipped to me right now for my SNESp :D
also nice job on the case,
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

Yeah, It looks great! The one objection I have is how one of the SFC buttons is red, but hey — Whatcha gonna do? when i come for you
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

I might not be updating for a while since I got my project taken away. Too much time working on it and not school work.
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

As I once told Basement_Modder,

I want to see this done! :evil2: Tell the kidnappers of your project that I am very angry with them! :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

Dang, when they leave, steal it back, when they get some, replace it where you got it. This worked when I wanted to play my Xbox but couldn't, but I was getting tired of carrying the stupid thing around my huge house (by huge I mean HUGERRRR) so I bought another one. (maybe for modding later) but now I have 2 of them, good for when my brothers want to play thought :)
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

Aww, this was looking really awesome. You've gotta do something to get it back.

Also, can I please have the link to that case from okw? That's the perfect cart cover (Without vac-forming, that is.)
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

ya, that case would be nice. put the link up.
Re: Nobble's SNES Portable Worklog

It sucks that that happened to you. I dont have that kind of problem now, as I have decided to be self motivated.

Can I do that? Put two thats right next to each other? It doesnt seem right grammatically...