(No longer doing the idea below, plans have changed. Please read page 2!)
I've finished moping over my failed Genesis, so... onto something else. I actually thought of the name before anything, "N" into "netbook".
I have a mini PSone case, and I think I can fit an untrimmed n64 mobo inside after I remove the back ports. To make things easier, I will keep all four controller ports in front. An expansion pak will be soldered directly in, and I will relocate the cart slot to load on the side.
I am definitely thinking about using the PSone screen that is currently attached to it, but I am really tempted to try for something more in the 7-8 inch range. I want to include a video out port, and tentatively a LOB64 port. (Though I'll probably never go to MGC, or meet another portablizer with an N64p.)
Thoughts? The only thing I think will be tough is space for batteries. If it ends up not having enough room, I'll gladly build my own case instead and include some extras.
EDIT: Changed title to be more appropriate, would hate to be misleading.
I've finished moping over my failed Genesis, so... onto something else. I actually thought of the name before anything, "N" into "netbook".
I have a mini PSone case, and I think I can fit an untrimmed n64 mobo inside after I remove the back ports. To make things easier, I will keep all four controller ports in front. An expansion pak will be soldered directly in, and I will relocate the cart slot to load on the side.
I am definitely thinking about using the PSone screen that is currently attached to it, but I am really tempted to try for something more in the 7-8 inch range. I want to include a video out port, and tentatively a LOB64 port. (Though I'll probably never go to MGC, or meet another portablizer with an N64p.)
Thoughts? The only thing I think will be tough is space for batteries. If it ends up not having enough room, I'll gladly build my own case instead and include some extras.
EDIT: Changed title to be more appropriate, would hate to be misleading.