N64 portable worklog


(No longer doing the idea below, plans have changed. Please read page 2!)
I've finished moping over my failed Genesis, so... onto something else. I actually thought of the name before anything, "N" into "netbook".

I have a mini PSone case, and I think I can fit an untrimmed n64 mobo inside after I remove the back ports. To make things easier, I will keep all four controller ports in front. An expansion pak will be soldered directly in, and I will relocate the cart slot to load on the side.

I am definitely thinking about using the PSone screen that is currently attached to it, but I am really tempted to try for something more in the 7-8 inch range. I want to include a video out port, and tentatively a LOB64 port. (Though I'll probably never go to MGC, or meet another portablizer with an N64p.)

Thoughts? The only thing I think will be tough is space for batteries. If it ends up not having enough room, I'll gladly build my own case instead and include some extras.

EDIT: Changed title to be more appropriate, would hate to be misleading. :oops:
Re: Netbook64 Worklog

Well, a couple thoguhts.

One- IMO a side loading cart slot would not work out well. The wires would have to bend funny, and you;d have trouble getting shoulder buttons in.

Two- You'll have trouble finding a non widescreen 7-8 incher, so your picture will be stretched. Also, in such a smallish case, there's not much room left with controls for a widescreen that big.
Re: Netbook64 Worklog

No. I don't think laptop onboard controls could ever be comfortable. It might work for a system with fewer buttons, but not an N64.
Re: Netbook64 Worklog

If you want to have a side loading cart slot, just turn the mobo sideways! :roll:
Re: Netbook64 Worklog

Wait, it will be a laptop? :shock:

I thought you were using a PSone case, but it seems you mean a PSone with the screen attached like normal.
Re: Netbook64 Worklog

XCVG said:
If you want to have a side loading cart slot, just turn the mobo sideways! :roll:
Ya but then the controller ports won't face forward. :P
Hmmm, maybe I'll just desolder the front pins of the cartridge slot, then bend it forward, and connect the front pins with some wire. Don't really need to see what cartridge is in there, anyway.
snowpenguin said:
Wait, it will be a laptop? :shock:

I thought you were using a PSone case, but it seems you mean a PSone with the screen attached like normal.
No, it will be a netbook! :mrgreen:

Yeah, I wanted to use a PSone case and PSone combo, but I still think that there might be room for my 8-inch. I'll see how hard it is; if it's too much effort, I'll just go the easy route and use the psone screen for now. (It's only my second portable attempt, so I think I might take it easy.)

I could just bondo in the crevices and ports, sand it down, and paint it black.
Re: Netbook64 Worklog

zeturi said:
XCVG said:
If you want to have a side loading cart slot, just turn the mobo sideways! :roll:
Ya but then the controller ports won't face forward. :P
Hmmm, maybe I'll just desolder the front pins of the cartridge slot, then bend it forward, and connect the front pins with some wire. Don't really need to see what cartridge is in there, anyway.

So just relocate the controller ports! :wtf:
Re: Netbook64 Worklog

XCVG said:
zeturi said:
XCVG said:
If you want to have a side loading cart slot, just turn the mobo sideways! :roll:
Ya but then the controller ports won't face forward. :P
Hmmm, maybe I'll just desolder the front pins of the cartridge slot, then bend it forward, and connect the front pins with some wire. Don't really need to see what cartridge is in there, anyway.

So just relocate the controller ports! :wtf:

I really didn't think about relocating the controller ports, to be honest. I've only been messing around with this system for a few hours. Thanks for that.

By the way, how much do you guys think I should spend on an expansion pak?

EDIT: Hey wait, if I relocate the controller ports then the whole system will end up being turned the wrong way. I want the longer sides of the mobo to face front/back. I will just have the cart slot located in the back.
Re: Netbook64 Worklog

It only took a little while to change my mind: I don't want to do a laptop.

I know for sure I can't fit this in a PSone case (with batteries). Putting this into a hand-made case won't do it enough justice. I'm thinking a handheld might be a better route.
Okay, I changed the title from Netbook 64 to just a plain old worklog for now. I'll just use this thread as my worklog from now on.

Wondering, since the N64 has a 7805, it's okay to bypass it, right? I was hoping to use a 6v battery. My screen is the 3.5 inch DX one, which can also run off of 6v. And I do plan on cutting the mobo, since we have such an awesome guide for it. :)

As for an update, I'm halfway done relocating my cartridge slot, been busy lately. Should have it done tomorrow, if not, then definitely by Friday. :D
12v line. Since it knocks 12 down to 5, I hope putting in 6v isn't too much for it to handle.
The 7805 will accept any voltage 7.2V-35v. I wouldn't put in 6v and bypass the regulator if I was you, you could fry something.
The 5V goes to the video dac/encoder and the audio amp I think. I wouldn't put 6V into it.
I wonder if one might benefit from using a 5v battery and then bypassing? Probably not a ton of juice saved, the 12v line barely uses anything. you're not going to lose a lot through a 7805.
If I can push the screen I have to use 4.8v, then I'll try bypassing the 7805 and use that voltage instead. Should be safe, I think.

:) Soldering my cartridge slot right now!

I think it would help slightly by bypassing the 7805, since it's a linear regulator. Not a ton, but I might be able to run this system on a really low voltage.
βeta said:
I wonder if one might benefit from using a 5v battery and then bypassing? Probably not a ton of juice saved, the 12v line barely uses anything. you're not going to lose a lot through a 7805.
I've thought about that too. I was thinking more of a 3.7v with a step down to 3.3v. I've always wanted to test the 5v to see if it would work with 3.7, but I've never gotten around to it.
Sadly, I opened my last ps1 screen. Now I see why everyone uses this on the n64, it looks great! :) Really no point in putting up a pic.

I chopped down a jumper pak, it's pretty small so I probably won't be flattening it. I'm still thinking about an expansion pak, but only Majora's Mask and DK64 require it. The heat that the expansion pak creates also worries me a bit.

Also, ordered pth08000 samples from TI last night, awaiting shippment. Supposed to be getting a superpad 64 in the mail soon.

The only thing I can really see to do right now it start on the case, but I think I should wait till I get my batteries. So for now, I'm just going to re-relocate my cartridge slot (wires were way to short last time), and attach my iceberq 4 pro onto the chips.

The iceberq pro is a graphics card cooler, and has been used many times by people who want to swap out their huge xbox heatsinks for something smaller. If it can keep that behemoth cool then an n64 should be no problem. I'll post some pics once I have it installed and my cart slot relocated.