N64 image quality: Gray vs. Colored consoles

World's first pictures of image quality comparisons from Nintendo 64? Photos taken in digital camera, the Samsung TV (LCD) "27 and screen-size 4:3.

6 colored + 2 versions: Black Smoke, Jungle Green, Ice Blue, Fire Orange, Grape Purple and Watermelon Red. Also Clear Blue and Pikachu.

Like all N64 Colored are not better image quality.

If you have, please send your the Serial Number (start NUP, NS, NUJ), what color and the image quality is BETTER or NOT. As is known from the serial numbers from the "better" start consoles.

Sorry if english bad, translated by Google Translation.

NUP = Europe PAL
NS = N-America NTSC
NUJ = Japan NTSC

Fire Orange: NUP 16339442
Grape Purple: NUP 16060024, NUP 16111072
Jungle Green: NUP 16085491, NUP 16237979
Smoke Black: NUP 16122646
Watermelon Red: NUP 16315707
Clear Blue: NUP 16748999
Pikachu: NUP 16476127

Ice Blue: NUP 16143699
Pokemon: NUP 15742019

ProgMetalMan said:
Why would image quality be better?
I don't know. Someone can tell. :tophat: I know N64 has 2 different versions, NUS-CPU(P)-01 and NUS-CPU(P)-02.

First time I heard about it in Finnish game-forum. I got interested to do this N64 Gray vs. Colored comparison. I was searching Google search but not found better N64 console discussions. That's why I want tell N64 and retrogame fans.

Interested to know whether also how NTSC USA and Japan consoles! :)
N64 has nine different versions.
Some boards are better than others; it has little to do with the color of the case.
My NUP 16111072 (Europe PAL) for the reads NUS-CPU(P)-02.

NTSC USA and Japan since 1998 models are: NUS-CPU-06, NUS-CPU-07, NUS-CPU-08, NUS-CPU-08-1, NUS-CPU-09 and latest NUS-CPU-09-1. These models SHOULD have better image quality? When the Main Chips is the same as (European better image) NUS-CPU(P)-02 model.
Main Chips:
It's possible that later versions actually have worse image quality because of cheaper components.

Actually, practically all old consoles I can think of, later models tend to be worse, this is especially true with the Sega Genesis/Megadrive, where launch models are far superior.
Yes; midway through the Genesis model 1's lifespan, they began using cheaper audio and video encoders, which caused distortion and less quality.
Kickback said:
It's possible that later versions actually have worse image quality because of cheaper components.

Actually, practically all old consoles I can think of, later models tend to be worse, this is especially true with the Sega Genesis/Megadrive, where launch models are far superior.
Perhaps. I like (N64 Colored model) sharper image quality.

Must make Europe PAL Mega Drive 1 and 2 testing. :lol:
Diminuendo said:
are you sure your using the same cable for both consoles? are they both composite?
Yes. I tested both same composite cable (I don't have others cables) and is not used Expansion Pak (using Jumper Pak, both same yes).
NTSC Rev 3's and 4's have VDC-NUS and ENC-NUS, starting with rev 5 you get the AVDC-NUS which IIRC has the encoder inside it, and then later revisions have MAV-NUS which combined even more of the components in it.

The first PAL revision has DENC-NUS(which I know nothing about) while the second one has MAV-NUS. The France-only version has VDC-NUS and also an amplifier and is the only N64 console that outputs RGB without modification.

I think. I'm not an expert and haven't extensively researched it. Thishas clearer information on each revision, and there's another thread already linked to in here with a list of them.

From what I gather from the OP, well actually I don't. I'd prefer pictures taken with a good capture card, with revision numbers and video chip names. TBH to me it just looks like one is anti-aliased and one isn't.

In an ideal world we'd all have these and have our N64's hooked up with HDMI cables. If it really matters to anyone, it's totally feasible to wire up a VDC-NUS chip or vice versa.
