N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pics!

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I edited my intro simply for the request of grossaffe..
P.S. tnx for your understanding!


I leave the past behind and move forward, because I'm somebody.. I never said I'm the best.. but I got MAD skillz!

Anyhow I am a good modder and feel that this is where I belong since banditpaw1 invited and recommended me to join,
as I do have things to offer and quite skilled in electronics..

So here is my N64 expansion pak trim guide to as small as a jumper pak! Hope you guy's like it.. Well here it is step by step!
SIDE NOTE: use thicker wire than seen in pictures.. since mod I have re-done this with heavier gauge wire like that of
flat tinned wire from the bp915 lithium-ion battery packs.. and the mod works 100% flawless.. just make sure that if you wire up a audio amp that you wire it to the 5v regulator on N64 board OR on a separate 7805 5v regulator. You want
to have as less draw on the 3.3v as possible to avoid crashing your games! enjoy!

I will also post some great mods that I have already done.. just need to gather my pics, vids and thought tnx.



Here is a step by step guide!









Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

will probably use this. ♥s dude *snip*.. Really nice mod though ^^
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

sorry video is now fixed and public... btw I recommend using thicker wire then in the picture I provided.. since the mod I went with (flat tinned wire) which can be used/recycled from the bp915 lithium-ion batteries, the middle wire in those packs are more than suitable as they are heavy gauge and good for the amp draw! Also found out a side note ( wiring a Audio amp to the 5v regulator on the n64 board is more stable) than wiring it to 3.3v line.. why? because you want to have less devices use the 3.3v line and to save juice required for the expansion pak and controllers. :)

tnx for welcoming me guy's @ least you know why I am here and how I got here.. *snip*

Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

I like the orientation of the caps there, that's pretty neat. I don't think we need them though, but those are tests I'll be running on behalf of Beta if Bibibibibi doesn't first.

Waiting for the Bibin/Beta analysis of whether or not that would really affect amp draw.


EDIT: Also, pick either Slip or Stream for a nickname, there's only room for one SS in these parts. :lol:
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

About a year or so ago I removed that row of caps and couldn't get the thing to work. I tried it with the pads bridged and unbridged and nothing worked. I may have missed something, but from what I can tell they're needed.
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

My modding nickname has been slipstream since I was 14 years old.. now I am 32 years of age.. so I would appreciate it if you would let that slide since everyone knows me as slipstream.. tnx ShockSlayer! :)

p.s. slipstream has no connection to shockslayer.. as slipstream would mean though the wind woosh... and shockslayer is like slaying a dragon by shocking it with 100,000 volts.. and a mean load of AMPS!!! cus we all know amp are = danger!
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

No, no you can stay SlipStream, just be called either Slip or Stream for short, not SS, as to avoid teh confusion. I'm picky. :U

Also, welcome to the forums!

Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

ShockSlayer said:
No, no you can stay SlipStream, just be called either Slip or Stream for short, not SS, as to avoid teh confusion. I'm picky. :U

Also, welcome to the forums!

how can you confuse slipstream with shockslayer? how about I change the second S to lower case so = Slipstream OK? OK good, now that's out of the way I got to go do some seriously serious modding! tnx for welcoming me feels warmer than bac's site.. even tho you picking on me about my name :(
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

I'm not picking on you; I'm just saying SlipStream could be abbreviated SS in the same fashion ShockSlayer is abbreviated SS, and I'm trying to avoid the confusion by doing so. :P


Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

ok then how about I make one called SlipStreamGT?? but please leave this original SlipStream here as a backup measure and that so no other individual could claim it as that is me! So SilpStreamGT sounds good? so abbreviation would be SSG :mrgreen:
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

Don't do anything.

I'll change your username.


EDIT: Done. Just login as usual but with the GT at the end, the other account has been terminated. :D
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

ShockSlayer said:
Don't do anything.

I'll change your username.


EDIT: Done. Just login as usual but with the GT at the end, the other account has been terminated. :D

Edit: Like Mario said.. I got it!
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

You can't have multiple accounts, that's why I terminated it.

Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

thanks for keeping it.. got it all copied and back in the beginning of the post where it belongs... glad you backed it up :)
wohhooo that was crazy.. you can delete your last quote and tnx again! cheers :tophat: signing off
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

First off, welcome to ModRetro, Slipstream (I think I shall nickname you Slippy :)). I've seen some of your work on youtube and was impressed by the polish of your final product.

Alright, that out of the way, Slippy, I'm going to ask that you remove your long diatribe about bacteria from your post here. This thread and subforum are not the place for that. This forum has a long history with bacteria and flamewars have been had. We've moved on and pretty much go with a philosophy of live and let live because, frankly, it's not worth the headache.

To everyone else in this thread discussing Bacteria, I just want to let you know now that I will be cleaning up the clutter from this thread, so if your post disappears, know that it is not censorship, but I am just trying to keep things civil and on topic. I'll leave the thread untouched for a bit of time, though, so everyone has the chance to read this post. Until then, please stay on topic.
Re: N64 expansion pak trim small as a jumper pak guide & pic

grossaffe said:
First off, welcome to ModRetro, Slipstream (I think I shall nickname you Slippy :)). I've seen some of your work on youtube and was impressed by the polish of your final product.

Alright, that out of the way, Slippy, I'm going to ask that you remove your long diatribe about bacteria from your post here. This thread and subforum are not the place for that. This forum has a long history with bacteria and flamewars have been had. We've moved on and pretty much go with a philosophy of live and let live because, frankly, it's not worth the headache.

To everyone else in this thread discussing Bacteria, I just want to let you know now that I will be cleaning up the clutter from this thread, so if your post disappears, know that it is not censorship, but I am just trying to keep things civil and on topic. I'll leave the thread untouched for a bit of time, though, so everyone has the chance to read this post. Until then, please stay on topic.

Well said! tnx and Slip will do!
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