multisystem WIP


#1 Female Member
i decided to make this into a buildlog, instead of making a new thread. ;)

i want actually begin work until next friday, at the earliest (payday. 590$ check FTW!). i would like to have all the parts scouted out by then.

here is a list of parts i think i need:
-screen. around 10 or 12" widescreen, switchable to 4:3.
-case. i dont really want to make it myself, but i dont want a briefcase either. ;) custom?
-a case for the carts that can be ordered in pretty big quantities, on the cheap. preferably a thin rectangle, big enough to hold a slightly slimmed ps2 slim.
-batteries. there will be plenty of space for these. i want at least 10AH.
-other systems to put in the carts. i was thinking:
-dreamcast (?)
........... tell me more!

here is the OP:

m'kay. today, i was working on planning a ps2 slim laptop, and a thought occurred to me.
what if, i were to make a laptop system that is only a screen and case and batteries, no game system. then have a slot in the system, where other systems, modified into vhs/cart type thingies would slide in. there would be a custom connector for power, video and audio, and on the front of the cartridge, there would be controller ports, and on the side, or top, would be the cartslot or disc drive. i would want it to be big enough to accommodate a ps2, but not huge. :D

would it work? how should i go about doing it?

please dont steal my* idea for nao.

*its not really, my idea, more of a take on bacterias multisystem, but in a more user friendly package. ;)
Re: new multisystem idea

Pretty sweet idea. Leave the slot open at the top, maybe even so that it can slide through completely.
For the N64 you should have it hook up through the ext slot. Just disconnect it from the board and solder custom wires and make your own pinout. 50 wires should be enough connections.
Many people have had this idea, but I'm pretty sure Bacteria is the only one who actually got much done with it. As already mentioned, cartridge slots from consoles work pretty well for connections. Go for it.
actually, i was thinking that, instead of making a single controller that works for all the systems, i would just use the original controllers. it would be a laptop form factor, so having controller ports on the carts would be fine. the downside, is that i would need lots of controllers. :cry:
That's not a bad idea. The work it would save by using original controllers would pretty much make up for having to carry a few different controllers around. You could even just do half and half where some of the systems use built-in buttons whereas some others need external controllers.
Neildo_64 said:
That's not a bad idea. The work it would save by using original controllers would pretty much make up for having to carry a few different controllers around. You could even just do half and half where some of the systems use built-in buttons whereas some others need external controllers.
i doubt built in buttons would work. the carts would be hard to play from. i am planning it to be more of a set on the table or your lap type system. at the minimum, the screen is gonna be like 12". ;)

here is my first "schematic"
It's gonna be f'ing huge if you do it that way. Plus, why did you leave so much room for non-console stuff in the bottom?
Jourdy288 said:
Any progress? I've always dreamed of this...
i need to finish mah psone portable first (still need to make a worklog) and maybe a ps2 portable as well. i have all the parts for one, so i may as well.

then i'll start working on this. :cool:
To solve that multiple controller problem, you could just do what Narik did with his Multi system wireless client, and use ps2 dualshock adapters, to make the ps2 controllers into controllers for different systems. Then, you could hardwire a wireless connector for a ps2 controller into each cartridge along with the respective adapter, and then all you would need to play is a single ps2 controller.
unicycler17 said:
Haha I only looked at the date of the comment above mine.... should've checked the other ones.
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