MR needs a slogan.

weaponepsilon said:
Portablizing is like loading...You'll get it....eventually.

Darker forums are not as good as brighter forums, or something like that. Ask Aplerm, I think he told me why one time ago long it was.

Also, Things.

ShockSlayer said:
Darker forums are not as good as brighter forums, or something like that. Ask Aplerm, I think he told me why one time ago long it was.

Also, Things.

Gotta agree, though maybe not for the same reason. From my experience, forums with lighter themes tend to get a lot more activity than those with darker.
"Klaymator set us up da bomb"
"How are you gentlepalmer"
"All your members are belong to us"
"BH has no chance to survive make your time"
"You know what you doing take off every shoop"
"For great justice take off every LOTWRDB"


"modretro, our personal banditpaw flaming grounds."
"modretro, where we mod retro stuff"
"where the slayers shock and the palmers tech"