
What is the purpose of the motherboard battery on a playstation 3? what if you were to take apart the PS3, remove the battery of the motherboard and then reassemble the PS3 and turn it on? Oh and has anyone found a permanent solution for the YLOD? Yellow Light Of Death.
More-or-less what Beta said. Keeps the system from losing the date and time information, probably a few other things, if the system loses power for any reason.

As far as the YLoD, no clue. Far as I know all you can do is fix it if it happens, and otherwise don't worry about it.
For YLOD, you need to properly reflow the motherboard and apply just the right heat sink paste amount on.
Also it matters what type of heat sink paste you use. I use Arctic Silver Paste from radioshack and the PS3 I've fixed has worked since.