Is my PS3 really going to die?


Active Member
So this is... an interesting situation so to say. I'm stumped as to what it could be.
I played BF3 just 1 hour ago. I turned my system off and had dinner. Came back upstairs, turned it on, and selected BF3. Not even at the intro logos, it freezes with "loading" and that little icon in the bottom, not flashing but stuck.
However- that is not the only anomaly- I can still press the PS button and partially see the XMB flickering! It seems to be behind the the frozen loading image.

i've had no issues, I never play for hours on end and I've never opened it up. Worse yet, this is a SLIM model, so it should be less prone to issues like this. (or so I thought)

Any suggestions before I try a different game/open it up?


More testing done- and this is going downhill fast.
Tried with a new game. Now, the system doesn't appear to output video. My TV detects a signal over HDMI, and I can even have the system respond! I've tried pressing and hold PS button, press x twice (turns off the system) and even hold PS, down, x, x, (controller off).

--Another edit--

opened, cleaned and thermal paste applied. No dice.

What does this sound like, if anyone knows? I may open it up and re-apply the thermal paste, because I've seen the pitiful amounts Sony applies before.
Could just be, you know, a dirty lens on the disk drive.
Regarding the lack of output, try holding the power button down until the PS3 turns off and back on. Should cycle back to default output, which'll get a basic HDMI signal for you to know that something's going on, I think. It's either that or you'll be stuck in recovery menu, I'd google it before trying.
Just tried holding it down 'till the third beep and shutdown. Zilch.
I'll see what else I can do, before heading over to the extreme options.
Yay, it works. all issues resolved.
I tried a different TV with a different resolution (1080i vs 1080p) and it worked there. Loaded a game fully.
Then brought it back to the original TV, reset the video settings and boom, it worked.

Good thing you got it fixed.
What did you do exactly to fix it?
Have a friend who was having the same problem.
Hackerbilly said:
What did you do exactly to fix it?

DefectX11 said:
I tried a different TV with a different resolution (1080i vs 1080p) and it worked there. Loaded a game fully.
Then brought it back to the original TV, reset the video settings and boom, it worked.

Basically, plus I opened the thing up and re-thermal pasted it. I don't trust the factory line workers.
...Not saying they're bad people, it's just that... they don't take individual care.