If you can speak/read another language, please read

Understand Swedish very well, written Swedish almost perfectly, can write it alright (perfectly understandable in any case - probably will be fluent a year from now). Learnt from living here in Sweden since last summer.

Understand Faroese and Icelandic very well (Faroese understanding as at the same level as my Swedish right now, Icelandic a little worse) but speak them pretty badly. I studied Icelandic in Iceland for two years before the Swedish, and Faroese simply came naturally after Icelandic and Swedish : P
Probably not the most used language in the world, but I'm fluent in Turkish. Also, nobody here knows me.
English (well, of course)
French (Je l'appris à l'école jusqu'au niveau B1. Je suis Canadien, mais pas de Québec: j'habite à l'ouest.)
Some remnants of Spanish from my childhood.
Ok, now to enchance this a bit:
Since nobody really replies with an actual statement
that tells that they are willing to help or states how much experience they actually have...

Here I go:

Hi There,
I´ll also introduce myself a bit here since I am new (hard to guess, huh?)
I´m Jackall4BDN, I´m 19 years old.
I played with the thought of modding a GC-Pal into a portable, preferably with some kind of modchip (yeah i´m pretty nub and well-aware that the GC isn´t the best console for starting of)
,for years now, and it allways dies in lack of soldering materials and skills and in even bigger lack in the motivation to buy the parts.
That pretty much changed now... Well i got some starter-experience now xD
I allready was on ModRetro years ago, but i never posted or anything so screw that.

Now about my experience with languages (kinda got mixed up here :P):
I´m a native German and practically study English since i started school at all.
I also kinda started to study spanish, but not enough to do anything with it.
Pretty much like Kazuya (Would you believe if i told you that he goes into my class, we never discuss modding or anything AND that i randomly post right behind his post? xD Didn´t even know he was here to be honest.).

I would be really interested to moderate the German part of the boards so a community can grow there. The only thing i would love to get in return is a link to a solid and well-trusted tutorial for my GC-Pal to be modded with as small budget as possible (yeah i don´t really care if it looks horrible i just wanna build one)

So that said, thx for listening if you did^^
I can speak Spanish and German as well. Actually my mother language is British. But I like learn many kind of different languages.