I wanna buy a budget laptop.


Forum Blooper
So school has decided I'm going to have to perform ICT work outside of class. Obviously I'm going to need a laptop/netbook, and I have already upgraded my PC and gotten a nexus 7. So I'm essentially looking for a particularly cheap laptop (I haven't worked out an ideal price, but just let me know if you've seen some particularly good deals on laptops/netbooks around the place), that is versatile and doesn't perform too badly (can handle tf2 maybe?) And wont break.

Obviously there's the lenovo x120e, but are there better options than that nowadays?

There is also the issue of shipping. From what I understand, any item above 330 USD will be taxed 15% on shipment to New Zealand, so I'll need to check on New Zealand versions of models, and whether getting it from the US is cheaper and whatnot.
I think AMD's new Kabini APUs will be coming out in Q2. I'm interested to see how they perform in netbooks. Supposed to be a significant performance upgrade over the Brazos.
See how cheap you can get an X220, the battery life on those things is 10 times more than you'd ever imagine getting out of a laptop.
Not that great at video games as you might expect though, it's only got intel integrated but so do a lot of other budget laptops so that should be forgivable, especially since this is for school.
All you really need is long battery life, the ability to open a word processor and a nice keyboard that doesn't have heat spots all over it.
And don't forget being indestructible, which the x220 does a pretty good job at.
Antome said:

You reckon?
Trademe is NZ's ebay btw.
Bit expensive but ees good.