Hrduncan's 2nd n64p! the cheetos64

can anyone else comfirm that i can cut it all the way to the soler pads? i gott be sure because ive put alot of work into this mobo.
Pic :):

(Zenlock's N64 mini V2
ok got the mobo as small is id like to go. i might go halfway into the solder pads like zenloc did because it bends the tupperware im using when i put the mobo in. IT STILL WORKS! this has to be a record time for not frying a mobo for me.

ive trimmed more since this pics.

does anyone know what analog stick works with a MC sports third party n64 controller?

yesterday i rewired the cart slot to the back of the board that way the jumper pak will face down saving room! im hoping to get bp915 batteries in the case ... i just have to shave down the buttons and create my own button locks. ordering a 3.5 screen soon and starting casework today

still wondering if anyone knows what analog works with a mc sports controller. if not ill have to sacrifice my one and only super pad plus for this portable.
bp915s are cheaper and have a built in pcb and i have room for them. also i dont have room for lipos. i have room on the sides but not between the screen and n64 and controller.