Got my High School diploma today.

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ModRetro Legend
So..... now what do I do? I have a lot of free time, most of a Summer to kill, and not very much money. I'm taking a year off of school, and I'll have a job come next November. I can't work over the Summer really, since I'll be gone all of August visiting family with my family. What should I do? In before POTABELZ.
Any particular reason you're taking a year off? I think it'd be a good idea to get through school and get a nice paying job as quick as you can so you can get a house while the market is still down.
I would definitely advise against taking a year off from school - worst thing I ever did. A year turned into two, then three, then four, then SIX (RL issues FTL) and then it took me forever to get back into the swing of things. You never know what's around the corner.

On the other hand, people take a year off all the time and do fine.
POTABELZ. Srsly, mk 1.

:lol: I don't know, plenty of people here just live with their parents until their parents die, then take over the farm and the cycle starts all over again. I highly recommend that you get as far away from home as you can, because all parents are nazis. ALL
A high school diploma doesn't mean much of anything, but congrats in getting one. I also have one of those worthless pieces of paper that has sat in the same place for years and years. I took a year off before going to college and it worked out alright until I got screwed over on some financial situations that ended up forcing me to drop out. Even if you've got your money situation figured out, it still might not be. Financial institutions are the most evil corporations on the planet so if you're thinking about any loans, scholarships, or grants, BEWARE.
My grandfather left me 125k for college. :oops:
My family isn't super wealthy, but he was.

I want to go to Japan for a while, and I want to do Europe. India would be cool too. Oh, and India. I'm already graduating a year young, so it's not like I'll be that one old guy in college.
I always try and see if there are benheck/modretro members in an area where I'm going, like when I went to Pennsylvania, I was going to meet Harshboy, I was within 5 minutes of him, but then he wouldn't come and meet me >:(

And, yeah, beer is easy to get if you're a minor up here, unless the cops are in the building.
I want to do Environmental Engineering, or Languages. I like languages, but I don't know if I would want to do stuff with them for a living.
But I don't want to get paid in £! :lol:
There's a lot of work to be done in language, I just always feel under qualified for some reason. I'm never as good as someone who's fresh off the boat, so to speak.
You can start some social work the best thing for youngster even i also do this in every summer. Go to some old people center and spend some time with old people.

βeta said:
So..... now what do I do? I have a lot of free time, most of a Summer to kill, and not very much money. I'm taking a year off of school, and I'll have a job come next November. I can't work over the Summer really, since I'll be gone all of August visiting family with my family. What should I do? In before POTABELZ.
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