GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (03/09/2015) FINISHED

Re: Bakuku's GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (02/23/2015)


So Sunshine played well with the Original regulator.

I decreased the resistance on the 1.5 and 1.7 line to make them 1.64 and 1.8 but the games still crash

Getting very sad here :cry4:
Re: Bakuku's GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (02/23/2015)

Blargaman91 said:
How about thicker ground and/or voltage wires?

Ground wires are wires from inside a pc. Those are rather thick. Power cables are normale wires we all use. Don't these wires supply enough since they are only powering the gpu and cpu? For 3.3v i'm using multiple wires leaving from the regulator to power everything that needs it as to have no interference.

Right now I'm thinking my regulator is broken or having some real Amperage issues. But the question is why at certain points in a game? Yesterday I even played some Resident evil remake for GC with no issues I could notice using the zenloc regulator.

Pth08080wah for 3.3v one cap
Pth08080wah for 1.8v one cap

Ptr08060wvd for 1.7v two caps
Pth08080waz for 5v one cap
Re: Bakuku's GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (02/23/2015)

There are certain points in a game where the CPU or GPU is more strained, drawing more power and perhaps not being able to do so due to whatever the problem is. Although if that were the case I would think Resident Evil would take more power than most and not be able to run well.

Do you know what gauge the ground wire is? I think the voltage wires are probably not issues, but some motherboards need a pretty heavy ground supply at times. So you still might want to add a second ground wire, maybe to a different location on the motherboard, and see what that does.
Re: Bakuku's GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (02/23/2015)

Blargaman91 said:
Although if that were the case I would think Resident Evil would take more power than most and not be able to run well.

Do you know what gauge the ground wire is? I think the voltage wires are probably not issues, but some motherboards need a pretty heavy ground supply at times. So you still might want to add a second ground wire, maybe to a different location on the motherboard, and see what that does.

Was thinking the same. Resident evil looks like a more demanding game than ssbm or sm sunshine.

Gauge, it's about 3.2mm so 8 or 7. Correct me if I'm wrong
Re: Bakuku's GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (02/23/2015)

I think I may have solved the issue.
I was using the the ptr08060 for the 1.5v to CPU and pth08080 for the 1.7v to GPU.
I switched them both and changed their resistance value to match the needs of the Gpu and Cpu.

Played some ssbm adventure mode and had no issues on the f-zero run sequence.
Think it had something to do with tbe fact that the GPU draws 3.amps on top load and the regulators only supply 2.25amps and that's where the caps come in to give it the extra boost in amps it needs. Only had one for the GPU tanks to tbe mixup.
I'll do some more testing after I get back from school with some sm sunshine.
Re: Bakuku's GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (02/23/2015)

Oh, I didn't realize which regulator was going where. Guess I should have asked. The correct setup would be PTR08060WVD on the GPU and PTH08080WAH on the CPU, which you say is working now.
Re: Bakuku's GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (02/23/2015)

Blargaman91 said:
Oh, I didn't realize which regulator was going where. Guess I should have asked. The correct setup would be PTR08060WVD on the GPU and PTH08080WAH on the CPU, which you say is working now.

No biggie man, you were most helpfull. I’ll still have to do some testing before I can be sure that this is the solution.

UPDATE: played SM sunshine with no hickups. Enterd levels multiple times with completion and no crashes or freeze. So I guess the regulator mixup was the cause. Hope it stays this way now!

thanks for all the help guys.
Re: Bakuku's GameCube Portable Breadbox Cube (03/09/2015)

It's doen hoorah...

Video will follow