N64 Wii U pro controller

Hey guys,

I’ve lurked on here in the past so thought here would be a good place to post.

Here is my first mod so go easy on me. It’s essentially a Wii U pro controller board inside an N64 controller shell. The board was a very tight fit, it was a bit touch and go at times. The c buttons are wired in place of the right analogue stick so the controller mappings can stay the same in VC. The battery sits inside the rumble pak and there is also a cable behind the rumble pak cover for connecting to the charging cable. The picture of the inside was taken on the first day so some things are missing and a lot of it has changed but it gives you an idea of how the board fits.

It’s probably a pretty pointless mod as there are so few VC N64 games but it also works great on PC, plus I just really wanted to make it.

I did have some N64 buttons 3D printed in Wii U style but I just wasn’t happy with the quality of them so stuck with the originals. I might keep my eye out for some local 3D printers so there’s a small chance I’ll be making a small update in the future, otherwise this is it complete.

Now on to my next project...

Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it. :D

ProgMetalMan said:
bentendo64 said:
That shiny looks nice :D
I agree; can you tell more about the paint/finish?

I used rustolium spray primer, clear coat and a cheap black base. Sanded between layers with 1000 grit then sanded the clear coat with 2000 grit and polished with a cotton rag and a teeny tiny bit of T-Cut. Its been about 3 weeks since I painted it and its just about fully cured. I painted my car door handles like this a couple years back and its really durable.

I was trying to match the finish on the Wii U pro, I think its pretty close.

You didn't happen to take any pics of the case work before painting did you?

We like the dirty bits here. :wink:
bentomo said:
You didn't happen to take any pics of the case work before painting did you?

We like the dirty bits here. :wink:

I tried to take pics of most parts of the process but sadly got ahead of myself and primed it before taking pics of the case. Just for you I'll make sure to take plenty of dirty pics during my next project.
Aw man. I've been looking for a N64 controller with the same built inside of a Wii U Pro Controller. But since this isn't for sale or anything, is there any way you can post tutorials or instructions on how we can make one of our own? :)