ShockSlayer said:Ashen said:Ya, its a PAL board.
ShockSlayer said:Yeah, if it's not playing Luigi's Mansion, we've got a problem. A portable without bentomo just isn't a portable.
SonyQrio said:Aye, I too love Luigi's Mansion. It was the second game I ever owned!
I'll have to give it a shot on my WiiKey and see if I lucked the heck out.
What happens to LM on an NTSC board?
SonyQrio said:Haven't tested it on my µGC yet!
But what happens when you try to load it on an NTSC board? *I'm really tired of having to rewrite my questions 6 times. Answer them in one post please.*
Mako321 said:Feels bad that I've never played the game ;_;
It doesn't like to boot up on modded Wiis if it's pirated, sadly.
bentomo said:Well guess what guys!
I saw this and I decided to look at my copy of luigis mansion, guess what!
Now I just need to figure out how to rip it and upload it.