Fusion Micro(s) ~ Worklog


GameCube Révolutionary
So I've kinda been waiting around for someone to jump on this challenge since all the new innovations in GC portablizing have come about and since Zenloc showed that the GC motherboard can fit. Since no one has yet so far, I am going to, just to say I've done it. I've done some extensive measuring and with my GC motherboard clocking in at exactly 70mm x 104mm I'm pretty sure I can pull this off with very little case modification IF I let the heat sink and fans stick out the back of the case.

This is the case I've ordered from DX.


I pretty much have everything else I need for the build here already except for the case. More when that arrives.

This is actually a little side project I'll be working on beside the other few projects I'm planning atm, which includes rev. 2 of my GameCube Fusion and possibly an XBox laptop. Which I'll be posting worklog's of both once I nail down a few more things. :D


Features, Parts list, Plans, Etc.

OMGWTF Cut GameCube motherboard
Stock GC heatsink trimmed to 1cm with 2x Tchay's 6mm ebay fans attached on the back running @3.3v.
Wiikey Fusion
4.3" Screen Its the same one SS is using for his portable. Its nearly a perfect fit for the PSP case. I'll have to relocate some junk on the driverboard to make it thinner and also trim the sides a bit to make it only as wide as the screen.
Phillips mini audio amp
Switching headphone jack
Original PSP mini loudspeakers
Zenloc's 7.4v custom regulator (3.3v and 1.7v)
2056 Memcard (Slot A)
SD Gecko (Slot B)
GC "classic controller" style controller for the driver board. This means I sacrifice rumble, but if you've ever seen one taken apart it can pretty much be cut right down to the black blob that controls everything. Meaning its REALLY tiny. I may also utilize the shoulder buttons from this. Probably not though.
Obviously the PSP case is to small to house any significant amperage battery, so an external 4000mah 7.4v pack will be built. Hopefully I can keep the amp draw of the whole system under 2 amps, then I could use a PSOne power supply to power the whole thing.

The plan right now is to keep the front of the PSP case stock (besides the need to add a spot for the "C" stick analog) and the back, sides, etc. as stock as I possibly can within reason. That means using all the original PSP buttons, dpad and the flaxty PSP analogs for both analogs. I'd like to cut apart a controller to retain the "squishies" for all the buttons but I'll have to see what I have room for. L/R will most likely end up being digital only. I'll try to retain the pots if I can though... somehow or another.

Right now until the cases come I need to sand the edges of my OMGWTF board and then I can start wiring stuff up. More when I've got it for ya!
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Next time, on ModRetro Forums, Ashen makes Afro's dream come true by slimming the Xbox to the size of a credit card!

Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

That is.. ambitious. Looking forward to this.

Also, I've got an old yobo clone NES and tiny 2.5" screen (Intec Screenpad) laying around. That might make for a good case for a semi-small NESp. Even though I'm kind of "over" portables that are pre-5th gen since they can be bought now, I hate having those parts just sitting there.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Haha, Thanks guys! Root for me... I'll need it on this one.

First post updated with parts list, etc.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

For your audio amp...I dunno, that looks kinda big, bentomo's can get pretty small, that one looks thinner though, but it really depends on the placement in the case.

Also, my Psone adapter says it outputs 3 amps, not 2, so you should be fine.

Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

This is crazy awesome.

My psone power supply does 3 amps too, but if that's not good enough the ps2 power supply does 8.4v@4.5 amps :P
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Hrmm.... All 3 of my PSOne power supply's say 2amp... Odd:


That audio amp is exactly 2" x 1.1" kinda sorta big I guess. its only 2mm thick though which gives it an advantage:


Guess you can't really see it in this pic. But the GC motherboard is sitting beneath the screen:




If the stuff like the audio amp and power supply end up not being usable that's O.K. Its just stuff I have laying around already, so it would be convenient to use them. We'll see once the cases arrive. Sorry for the crappy iPhone pics.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Ashen said:
L/R will most likely end up being analog only. I'll try to retain the pots if I can though...somehow or another.

If you do this, you can't just use the "fully pushed" trigger circuit. In my portable, I put a momentary switch on the fully pushed circuit and on the analog circuit, so I had 4 switches for the triggers. When playing games, I found that some games only use one circuit or the other. If you want a button for each switch, I suppose you could bridge the pins for the analog and digital circuits, and have a single switch taking them to gnd. I dunno if that would work tho.... what was your plan?
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Looking awesome Ashen. I also have the exact same project going. I was kinda hoping you were going to take on the task aswell. You can however fit everything into the psp1000 case without the fan sticking out the back. You just have to hollow out the case and make a thinner heatsink.

I have too many other projects going on to finish my version so I'm rooting for you. Can't wait to see more progress on this!!
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

@unicycler17: I may do something like that. What I'll probably end up doing though is just have the linear potentiometer "nubs" sticking out the back. That way you can still actuate them separately from the "fully closed" switch if a game so requires.

@Zenloc: Thats awesome man, I've been waiting for updates from you on your GCPocket. I figured you've been real busy though. You'd mentioned a few times about working on a project like this so I figured you'd do it eventually. No one ever announced they were working on it though, while I was wiring up another GC board the other day for my GCFusion rev 2 inspiration struck me to start working on this also, so here I am. :D

I figured with a thinner heatsink I may be able to fit it all inside the PSP case. I think it would get incredibly hot though, which is something I don't want. I'd rather have a cool running system where the fan(s) sticks out. I'll have to do some testing when my cases arrive and go from there. I have lots of heat sink/fan options available to me atm. I'll make one of them work.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

The really annoying stuff is all the regulators, then end to take up a lot of space in the end, even if you only use 2. Speaking of which I was checking voltages of my gamecube today and I'm getting 4v off of my 3.3v regulator, I tried to lower it to 3.3 and I got it down to 3.6 and the gamecube wouldn't boot.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

My fluke meter did that to me recently, I spent like 45 minutes trying to figure out why I was getting odd voltages before I realized my battery was dying in my meter. Doh!
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

I thought of a few things today for your L/R triggers, so I drew up my ideas. In my experience, the PSP triggers are friendly when it comes to being drilled and dremeled, so they can be heavily modified. :D


I know the triggers are a Sega to work with, and I don't wanna see you sacrifice them in such an epic portable, I'll keep trying to think of ideas, it's helping me tackle mine right now, that's the last case construction hurdle I'm at.

Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Just put both tact switch next to eachother on the bottem. 1 for normal R and one for analog R with the right resistor for when it's fully pressed. That what I'm going to use in my GSF (Cube Station Fusion) my name for my gamecube inside a psp project.

That way you don't have to modify anything.