Fusion Micro(s) ~ Worklog

Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

It may be different for every model of controller. I ran into this when building my PGPC and trying to make the analog triggers into buttons. It's a real Sega. With 360 controllers, some are the opposite of others. For instance, on one controller, a full 10k of resistance would be the trigger pushed all of the way. But with another controller, it'd be no resistance that is all the way and "normal" is 10k (or whatever the pot is). It's confusing and annoying and if GC controllers are anything like 360 controllers, they'll all be different.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

just to give an idea, zenloc is using a 3ds analog stick with a psp nub on top... maybe you could use that analog with the stock nub and it would look the same but mechanically work better. im reffering to the analog and not the trigger.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

The part of the PSP nub that sucks specifically is the "nub" on top of the analog. For the sake of keeping the thing looking like a PSP and because I already have the parts, I'll just be using PSP analogs. Yea, they suck. But its not like I don't play my PSP because of it.

Spent a good part of today poking about at my motherboard and wiring stuff up. Lo and IGNORE I went a little too crazy with my belt sander and took off more of the board than I should have. This little trace is 1/2 of the source of my GC woes for today. Spent about an hour figuring out this is what broke my board:


P1 and Wiikey are wired up. Still have to do wiring of memcard A and gecko B later tonight:


First ribbon cable I wired to was a total fail. ended up having a dataline bridged to ground. Of course I only realized this AFTER the whole Dang thing was wired to all the GC via's.

Things look a bit messy atm because of temp wiring just to test stuff.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

I feel ya :/ been working on some board wiring for my 3DS cube. ugh.

And that tiny wire you needed, I've done that mistake too. I feel bad for not making it public now. Didn't think anyone would cut that close like I did. Good luck with the rest of it man.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Dont know if this will help, but this is how I did my triggers. They work perfect.

This will be awesome btw, things are getting crazy!
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

That's a pretty awesome setup man! Very nicely designed. I appreciate the help, I know you don't usually post inside pics of your cases. Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to have room to keep the pots. But I'll have to do some measuring once the cases arrive.

Also. I made this up quick today. Should be pretty accurate, though I haven't wired it yet. Someone else may find it useful.

Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Board is pretty much 99% wired up now. So far everything is working nicely, Going to glob some more epoxy around stuff to make sure it never leaves its home. Not a whole lot more I can do until the cases arrive.


Took a page from Zenloc's book and made up a memcard adapter for slot B (gecko slot). Also working nicely so far.


Started wiring up my controller board. Tested what I've done so far just now and all seems to be well. Hopefully I can do the rest without *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing it up. SD card shown for size comparison.

Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

And that is some impressively small soldering. The rest of the guts look sexy too.

EDIT HOLY CRAP that's an sd card for size comparison! I thought it was a gc memory card.... WOW!
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

looking sexy!! looking sexy!!

Hey just to throw you an idea instead of making things stick out the back double the side strip layer. Just put two next to each other then rework, cut new holes etc.. and paint them. That way you get extra thickness without messing up the outer casing. I did this to get everything inside the psp. It works great!!

Tecknott is the first to make a tiny gamecube and a awesome one of that hopefully you'll be number 2. I don't care what number I am as long as I bring somethign awesome to the table. My gamecubepocket is great and all but it cn be made much smaller.

By the way that screen does not support 16:9 just so you know. It stretches out an 4:3 image.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Wow great job on the controller, I really want to relocate that controller transistor part of the gamecube.

IT'S SO TINY! :awesomemrL:
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Thanks guys. That controller was seriously the most difficult soldering job I've done so far, <3 flux though. I'll take FFC wiring anyday over doing that again anytime soon.

@ Zen, I know that screen just stretches the image. So far it hasnt really bothered me too much though and hey, it was super cheap!

@ Bentomo, Yea that cut board is REALLY small. Its actually not much bigger than a credit card. Those transistors are a real pain in the ass to relocate though. I'm going to avoid it in the future if I can help it. Only if you're going for something like a PSP case do you really need to cut that far back anyway.


I'm using this cut here for my GC Fusion rev 2. I have a board already wired up and everything is working perfectly. No transistor relocation required.

Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Boards real sexy so far. :mrgreen:

HOLY CRAPPPPPPP>Thats small. :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk:
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

To relocate the controller, all you need to do is scratch a couple of pads on to a ground area with a hobby knife and solder the 2 ground legs down to hold it.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

To make is even easier just cut of both transistor with the board then glue them somehere else on the board and rewire. No need to remove the components. It will save time and hassle getting them properly places. tecknott's method is also possible and is the way I did it first.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

Whatever the method is, I still say its a pain in the ass. Most people should avoid it unless they need that extra -1cm that you gain compared to the other cut I showed above.
Re: Fusion Micro ~ Worklog

I know we're past it already but I did a little experiment worth documenting in Melee today. The pot is needed for how big/small the shield is, but you have to have the button to air dodge, you can't with just the pot, although you can shield with just the button.

Mightbe helpful later if we decide to make a list. :P
