First N64 Backup Solution in years Released!


Frequent Poster
For the first time in, what, 9 years, someone has released a new N64 Backup Solution.
And unlike past ones, which used Harddrives and CDs, this one uses a good ol'... GBA Flashcart... Yeah, what?

It's made by Neoflash, not known to be the greatest brand out there, to say the least.
But whatever, amirite?
They actually announced it YEARS ago, but it's finally done!

This is the first commercial N64 Flashcart. (By my definition of "Flashcart" at least)

Oh, and it's only $200.
Sound like a lot? Go buy a V64 for >$300 from a hardcore collector.


Can be purchased here, more info too.
I think I'm gonna buy one.
It's about time one of these showed up.

Think it would actually work as a GBA flashcart, too?

Does it come with that 512mb flashcart?
PalmerTech said:
lol, I thought it was a 512 megabit cart?
Palmer, you know as well as I do that all standards for abbreviation of memory were thrown out the window years ago.

Mb, mB, MB, mb, the vast majority of the population uses them interchangeably.
And it pisses me right the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* off...
jleemero said:
PalmerTech said:
lol, I thought it was a 512 megabit cart?
Palmer, you know as well as I do that all standards for abbreviation of memory were thrown out the window years ago.

Mb, mB, MB, mb, the vast majority of the population uses them interchangeably.
And it pisses me right the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* off...

Not MEGA byte, bits, bites, but...

Regarding the flashcart itself.... Cool, but it has flaws. It's smaller, but it uses a GBA flashcart (WTF?! Why?) that only holds like 2 games, which pretty much defeats the purpose of a flashcart unless you are into REALLY rare games. Secondly, it STILL needs a boot cart. You'd think that after over 10 years had passed they would have figured that part out. Lastly, you should wait for the bugs to be sorted out. Still, it's neat, and nice to see someone try.
For $200 you could own most, if not all, of the best N64 games ever created.

What they did wrong:
Price: Shouldn't cost more than $50.
Usage: Should use SD or microSD Cards, not some 512Mb GBA Flashcart.
Looks: Shouldn't require a legit cartridge sticking out the back.