OBDp, or On Board Diagnostics for Portables WIP

robm said:
Should have clarified, cost of shipping AND parts LOL. I will say I will have one extra unit to give away at the end of the project; I've got two of these made now, I'm not going to need both.

I can't wait until I've got this done either; it's showing some promise, and the uses this has outside of portables is just about endless. How hot do those "hobby lasers" get, Palmer?

Here's the vid for hot air reflow!
fixed that for ya.
My current 400mw red laser can hit 210 degrees if I am not careful. :lol: A lot of people haves ones that run even hotter, but under 300 degrees for the most part. People rarely run them that hot, they use pretty heavy heatsinking most of the time. Don't worry, your design will not melt. :awesome:

Nice video! Maybe the spare board could be a future compo prize... :wink:
How come the board is only a breakout board? If you are having boards made wouldn't it make more sense to have all the ancillary components onboard as well? Or is this a stock breakout board? Or am I dumb?

A few questions. First, do we have to use paste flux or does normal flux work? Second, won't the heat fry the chip?
The air coming out of the gun shouldn't be enough to do any damage to the chip; the silkscreen didn't even blister. If you stayed on top of the chip for over 30 seconds... yeah, you'd probably do some damage. That's why you alternate. As far as the breakout board goes, all you're going to need to do is either solder wires directly to the board, or use header pins (which is what I'm doing.) You should not need any other component inside the case; you'll two power wires and one ground wire, and then one wire per source of voltage you wish to sample.

Normal flux works, that's what I used - I have no idea why I keep saying paste. Don't use paste. :D

Palmer, good to hear - let them know about it, see what kind of response you get, and I'll make more of an effort to keep the PC front end a bit more universal.
Ah, thanks much.

As an update... I accidentally soldered my header pins backwards, so standard header cables do not fit very well. I'm making my own today, and will hopefully start flashing this chip within the next couple days.

I'm in the software development stage now; this is going to be time consuming, but not overly difficult, per se. I do need to get ahold of the serial->USB hardware, though.
I have a USB to serial adapter somewhere around here, is that the same thing? It plugs into a USB port and has a basic serial on the end (It was made for GPS).

Want me to take a look for it?
Yeah, but I think you should go with something more generic and common, like one of those FTDI thingys SparkFun sells.