DNT is back.

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Crazy Train
at the bottom of the index it says that our newest member is steamdnt 2.5

what does he even have here to come back to?
Maybe he wants to start fresh.

I'll let it play out, and at any second I can ban him by the book because the rules say:

"Also, in case it wasn't already clear, making multiple accounts is not okay. That's trying to get around your ban, or trying to be someone you are not. And we know when your doing it, we are automatically notified when a second user is posting from the same IP as another one."

Explanation time.
I am here to hopefully stay, I have changed and I have no intention of causing any problems or picking fights of any sort. If, as a whole, you feel that you would like to have a forum wide poll, I am fine with that I am in no position of power to oppose something like that. As much as I would like to deny it, Modretro is much more active than benheck, and because of that activity there is a wealth of information available. For those last couple months it was nearly impossible tracking info without getting led to benheck or ShockSlayers guides here on Modretro. That is the reason why I am here, there is no conspiracy, I just need some support for my projects. I completely understand that I have abused that right previously and I do not deserve it. In the past I have been a total dick, There is no denying that. I have also been a moron but almost all of my actions were NOT justifiable
As much as many of you would probably not like to believe, I have changed, and I will try to be a better member. My proposition is this, You give me one more chance to prove myself, if I *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up, I leave forever, no complaining, No moaning, no Segaing. Once I prove myself then I can start again fresh.
Made a giant gif that involved a penis going through palmer's face iirc. I know what he's doing. He feels sorry now, and he'll last about 5 months max then forget about this, troll, and then get ban hammered.
I'm not gonna deal with your bullflax, asshole behavior.
Don't expect me to be nice to you.
eurddrue said:
Made a giant gif that involved a penis going through palmer's face iirc. I know what he's doing. He feels sorry now, and he'll last about 5 months max then forget about this, troll, and then get ban hammered.

Oh yeah, I was the one who saw that! :p
c'mon guys. He's been my friend on facebook for since before the "incident" and he's pretty cool. He's a bit like me in a way. A little more extreme, but give him another chance. He'll do one thing in revenge right at the beginning and be fine for a long time.
Drue, he was banned FAR before that, for FAR worse reasons, and also, I'm pretty sure klay was the one who did that.

I say ban him and save us the trouble of doing it later.
John Dickface I'm tired of you. SOMEBODY BAN THAT *Can'tSayThisOnTV*STAIN. /troll

Didn't your mothers ever teach you that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all?/hypocrite

I'm better than all of you and you know it! /palmer

Please guys, just give DNT a chance. I don't even want anymore posts in this thread./control freak

The DNT incidents were before my time at MR, so I'm willing to give him a second.5 chance on behalf of the forum. Not that I have that authority, but it seems only drue is willing to support him. Besides, none of us is a perfect poster. I'm sure I come off as arrogant or rude sometimes, and other people do things too, but I won't call anyone out.
As this thread proves, there seem to be a lot of immature people on this forum that act a lot like Trolls.

Oh well , everyone grows up eventually I suppose.
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