Composite Issues

uhh the top looks the same, save for the rewiring of the crystal clock.
Here's the bottom

I replaced r40 with a 2.6k resistor, (it's elevated so it's not touching anything).
1.9v @ C153 looks a little dry...wet that connection again
cleanup C235 a little
also might want to cleanup 3.3v @ C134

now about your resistors:
you have 2 resistors in series and the colours look as follows
yellow, purple, red, gold = 4.7k
red, red, red, gold - 2.2k
total resistance = 6.9K

drop the 4.7k and just use the 2.2k....
By cleanup you mean just re-solder a cleaner connection right? and yeah the resistors are acting very strange, when I connected just the 2.2 k (it was 2.17 because of latency) so I added a 200 ohm resistor and the resistance dropped to 1.5 k for some reason. This was the only resistor combination that gave me the right resistance.
cleanup, yea resolder and make it a bit cleaner ...

as for you 1.5k calculation...thats odd...
just use a single 2.2k for now and see what happens
okay cleaned up the connections, replaced the two resistors with the one 2.2k, still nothing.
EDIT: I realized that this post was useless without pictures
i have a different rev board in front of me so i cant compare the differences at the moment....but

your missing C43, C56, C225
remove that solder glob on the center of the board
and check that solder glob on dvd FIL1..looks like it might be contacting GND via
wow how did that even happen, thanks for the solution guys :D. Just one question, how do i reconnect them, they're so tiny.
So a couple days ago I read gman's thread about his omgwtf board problems, and I saw that he fixed it by connecting the screen's ground to the mobo instead of using an AC adapter. So I got some time, and here is the end result

Thanks for all your help guys, I really appreciate it.