Commission for marcello1~The Throwback64

Cart slot is wired, 3.3v regulator hooked up, screen is wired and ready. I'm going to wait until the paint sets up a bit more before I start installing things.
Someone stole it from his backpack.
Here's his post from YouTube.
I was at a competition for my high school robotics team in Troy, MI and somebody stole my backpack from our team's pit area. Honestly, our house has been broken into before but nobody took it then, lol. That bag also had a few hundred dollars worth of power tools in it, and some good pliers and ratchets.

Buttons installed, tested and working. I'll get the controller hardwired in either tonight or sometime tomorrow.

I really need to find a heavy duty DPDT switch. That's the only part I don't have right now
If I can find the switches I need tomorrow at RadioShack, and no problems come up, I might be finishing this tomorrow :D
Whelp the tact I was using for L spontaneously stopped working, and all other tacts I've tried hold the button pressed. Also the switch I was using to turn the screen on and off broke. MOTHA*Can'tSayThisOnTV*A
On the bright side the whole controller is wired and working, and the screen is attached and working.

I'm tired and frustrated. >:( I'll see if I can fix the issues tomorrow.
My RadioShack didn't have anything useful. *sigh*

Good news is I'm getting some PayPal funds sometime today for a simple board commission. So I'll be ordering some switches from eBay in no time :D
Quadruple post, rules are for pussies.

I've got some switches ordered, and I fixed the trigger issues. Everything is back on track :)

The switches for the screen and internal/external controller came today. I've got them installed no problem. Everything else is done except for wiring the batteries in and the main power switch. Hopefully my package from RadioShack will come tomorrow
Power switch came today. I took my ACT this morning on three hours of sleep, then played a four hour tennis match. I'm just a teensy bit tired, so I'll most likely finish this tomorrow.