.cdi Compression


No Stranger To Love
Does anyone here know how to compress a .cdi image to fit on a CD-R, while being able to play the disk on a Dreamcast?
I burned sonic adventures using disc juggler, even though it was bigger then the cd it didn't give me an error when I burned it. It didn't work though.
well, .cdi is the format all my dreamcast game backups ( :awesome: :roll: ) are in. i havent had issues burning any of them, though. (i also use disc juggler)
bentomo said:
I burned sonic adventures using disc juggler, even though it was bigger then the cd it didn't give me an error when I burned it. It didn't work though.
What? I burned Sonic Adventure to a CD-R perfectly fine :/ It wasn't too large or anything :neutral2:
mako321 said:
not a rom, a disk image :wink: