can i use this particular IDE wire to relocate stuff on a GC


Well-Known Member
i'd like to know if it's not too small, cause it is the smallest i've ever seen, it fits right into the GC mobo's vias.
Can you tell me if it will be sufficient for disk drive / wiikey relocation and such?
on it there is written 30 AWG 9U AWM 150V 105°C
Thank you for your help
Re: can i use this particular IDE wire to relocate stuff on

It will work for the controller wires but not for the WiiKey and power/signal.
Re: can i use this particular IDE wire to relocate stuff on

Pretty sure what you have there is UltraATA 133+ type IDE wire. I've used it for wiring everything from controller ports to a whole Wiikey Fusion chip back to the CPU via's. As you've stated it slides right into the via holes nicely. I'd say the only thing you wouldn't want to use it for is power especially where there will be significant amp draw. Dataline's, etc should be fine though.
Re: can i use this particular IDE wire to relocate stuff on

if im not mistaken isnt there a five volt line for the controller for rumble reasons? but if you used a combination of that wire for data transfer and a thicker gauge wire for heavier flow of energy.