Ashen's PS2 thing ~ worklog ~

he has also made a wired and wireless version for the 360, (wireless still in testing) I can't find his online write-up for the ps2 version but the wired 360 one is the same size and the wireless is about the size or a ps3 controller battery

Here is where his 360 version worklog starts

Noah said:
Someone could make a lot of money if they made these for N64 or GC.
I don't know about the gamecube, we can already get that controller pretty small
That is really cool, I don't think I'll have much prob's fitting the controller in though. Its only like 2cm wider than the one you've shown and about the same height. N64 might be cool, I haven't looked much at the controller to be honest. GC controllers are already able to be made ridiculously small.
Ashen said:
That is really cool, I don't think I'll have much prob's fitting the controller in though. Its only like 2cm wider than the one you've shown and about the same height. N64 might be cool, I haven't looked much at the controller to be honest. GC controllers are already able to be made ridiculously small.
That's cool, just giving you the option.
Oh my god of war...




Its a Dang tight fit between those batts and the analogs, its also gonna be Dang close between the screen and heatsink, tried to show it here:

I can't even think of any words that would come close to describing how awesome this looks.
MY GOD ASHEN!!! what kind of insane skills have you gotten!! you keep on getting better and better!! :mrgreen:

Keep it up this looks like it is going to be a great portable. I wonder what the actual battery life is going to be like though....
Thx everyone! Its not closed up yet though, and I am a bit worried about just how close I'm cutting it. I can always make a spacer if needed though. Anyway, hopefully I can move this along pretty quickly now.
Do you have any problems with having your thumbs on the analogs and reaching the L/R buttons like for Star Wars Battlefront? That seems like it could be a challenge, but I have small hands. :dah:
Nope, it feels pretty natural. I hold the portable just like I would a DS controller. I tried to keep the DS form factor as much as possible. The only thing I changed slightly is the position of the analog sticks.
God Dang, can it GET any worse?

You should probably just quit, I've seen better casework being done with a hedge trimmer.

ShockSlayer said:
God Dang, can it GET any worse?

You should probably just quit, I've seen better casework being done with a hedge trimmer.

totally what i was about to say. :P
*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Ashen.

I really need a portable with rumble in it, makes we wish I hadn't chopped my N64 controller so tiny, I found two rumble packs when I was cleaning out my closet the other day.
