Ashen's PS2 thing ~ worklog ~

The aspect ratio seems a bit off in those comparison shots (VGA seems wider). Not a huge deal, but I wonder why.
I don't really have any good answer to that Zero. I know it occurs on the GameCube also, when switching between VGA and composite. VGA is always "stretched" a bit horizontally. Its not really noticeable if you're just playing a game though, and not comparing the two images side by side.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that VGA monitors often used non-square pixels.
Charged this thing to full both yesterday and today to setup the low battery indicator and do some extensive play testing. Both times clocked in at just 5 minutes shy of 4 hours.

I'm happy.

That TI reg was totally worth it. :D :D
Haz disc cover.



Turned out decent.

Going to make a proper pimped video for this one's unveiling. Might be a week or more. Expect great things to come. ;)
So many sanding drums.. I just have one :mrgreen:

Looks very pro, it's been a while since I've seen a portable with a proper disc cover
It's amazing the amount of awesome that happens when I don't check these boards for a while. Beautiful work Ashen.
Is this ever going to be officially done? :P
I want a News thread so I can compliment it.
Yea. I really need to do that. I have 7 more days and my life will be somewhat more normal, hopefully I can get back into the swing of things then. :D
HE SPEAKS! Glad to hear you will have some time! I've been reading your work log since the beginning and im happy to see more work in it
Finally got around to fixing the last issue I was having before calling this thing 100% complete. The video converter I'm using to get h/v sync to go along with the PS2's native rgb didn't always like the timing on the composite signal I was feeding it. I tried all kinds of different tricks to try to improve things, but every now and again (mostly when the PS2 switched video resolution) I would loose the sync signal and get no picture at all, and it would take anywhere from 10-60 seconds to resync itself. Not really ideal at all.

I remedied this today by instead taking the sync from the S-Video "Y" signal. Sounds simple enough, I know. And I had thought to do this all along. The problem was that I had to pretty much take the whole Dang portable apart to get to where I needed to solder to the "Y" line. Its done now though, and after some extensive testing today it seems I don't loose sync at all now like I did when I was pulling from the composite line.

Once I get her all put back together (hopefully tonight). I'll FINALLY make up a finished thread and video. :D
I dont think so. But i unno. Where are you picking your sync signal up?

The issue I had only occured when the PS2 was clearly switching video modes/resolution. Like when I'd turn the ps2 on initially the startup scene was always fine, but when it would go to boot the disc and the "playstation 2" sequence should be displayed it would loose sync for a little bit. Or when switching from in game graphics to an fmv.

Your issue looks more like video stutter or something.