Ashen's PS2 thing ~ worklog ~

Yay , Once I redo my Gamecube Portable and get some money I will start on a ps2p that is no where near as good as ashen's :)
hailrazer said:
tom10122 said:
Question, can the ps2 run without errors if you leave the DD unconnected?


i haven't personally tried running the ps2 without free mc boot, but if it works without the DD connected and free mc boot, that's awesome :)
thanx for the confirm, hail :)

this is great for swapping saves to/from memory cards :)

tom10122 said:
Yay , Once I redo my Gamecube Portable and get some money I will start on a ps2p that is no where near as good as ashen's :)

interesting, tom10122,
well if you want to see a so not good, but workable functioning ps2p, check out my ps2p work log:

Fat boy benny ps2p (no soldering included) viewtopic.php?f=64&t=10133

so, im sure yours will be awesome :)
better than mine, im sure :)
and good luck on your GCP :)
AngelArm1110 said:
thats an interesting regulator your using, where did you get it??

Its a TI Regulator PTN78020

They are a bit pricey ($30~), and I may be overdoing it just to run the PS2. But I'd rather have a beefy reg than one struggling to keep up, and I figure you cant go wrong with TI. Here's the specs:

• 6-A Output Current • General-Purpose, Industrial Controls,
• Wide-Input Voltage HVAC Systems, Test and Measurement,
(7 V to 36 V) / (15 V to 36 V) Medical Instrumentation, AC/DC Adaptors,
Vehicles, Marine, and Avionics • Wide-Output Voltage Adjust
(2.5 V to 12.6 V) / (11.85 V to 22 V)
• High Efficiency (Up to 96%)
• On/Off Inhibit
• Undervoltage Lockout
• Output Current Limit
• Overtemperature Shutdown
• Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C
• Surface Mount Package Available

I think there is also a 3amp version available. but the same price just about.
Did a flaxton of primer-ing/wet sanding yesterday, and just got the case all painted up. Turned out pretty good, I'm happy.





Gonna let it dry for like a week since I used regular metallic Rustoleum and some clear coat on top of it. Then pray I can actually fit everything in. XD
Why's my screen fogging up? Oh, right, it's because I'm mouth-breathing on the computer monitor while I stare at this sexy case with my jaw hanging open. Drool...
Thx everyone. :D

I know there are like 500 different types of PS2 Controllers, but if you happen to have the same one as me this could be useful I guess.


Its pretty accurate as far as I know. When I say "all other buttons common" I'm lying a bit though. R3 and L3 actually go to straight ground.

The thin red line is where I cut.
Beautiful case. also, the case looks really nice. :roll:
If your really want a tiny PS2 controller PCB, RDC at the BenHeck forums made a tiny custom board you can transfer the components from the original controller to. I have one right here, the dimensions are 42x20mm
