Hey guys! Time to let you guys know what is up, and ask for some feedback.
1. In the next week or so, I hope to be able to put together a custom PHPBB3 theme for the forums. Yay.
2. We have made $30 this month! Yay! However, we need to figure out what to do with ad money. We have not had any "massive" threads like the 500,000 view Sifuf one on benheck, or even the very common 100,000+ views that most portables on engadget get. We are still a new forum, so it might be a whole before we fully finalize the ad system, but we may as well have a trial run of something for now to figure it out fully. Here are the options:
1. All ad money goes to me, you guys get absolutely nothing, I can do whatever I want with it.
2. All the ad money goes to me, and I will use it to pay for hosting first, and use the rest to buy prizes for contests.
3. All the money from completed projects threads goes to the people who posted the thread, according to a formula based on exact views.
4. Half the money from completed projects threads goes to the people who posted the thread, according to a formula based on exact views.
5. Have the adshare system set up so that people can get ad money for threads, but only if it gets to the point where it matters. To be honest, I do not want to be managing $3 micropayments to people.
I was thinking of a system along these lines: I get the money from the ads, use it to pay for hosting first, then all leftovers go into a "general fund". Whenever someones gets a number of views that actually matter, say, 50,000, they get a payout from the general fund. They will get another payment at 100,000, another at 200,000, and so on. The payout will be based on the average ad revenue per view. So if we are making, say, $1 for every 10,000 views, you would get a $100 payout at 100,000, $200 at 200,000, etc. What do you guys think the view limit minimum for payment would be? The rest of the general fund will be used to fund prizes for any contests we have. Any other tweaks to the system?
And finally, what do you guys think of an official modretro store? I was thinking it would be good for things like those "100 screens" deals that pop up on eBay from time to time, they could be bought, and then sold from the store at a small profit (The goal would be to help modders). In addition, people that have products that they make and are relevant to the community could get an account on the store. For example, Jleemero could have PS1 modchips, and robm could have his OBPD system listed for sale. People also seem to want polarizers for gameboy backlights, and it is hard to get new film in low quantities, so that could be sold, along with LED backlight strips and the like. I also found a 3.5" LED frontlight panel for $17+shipping that I could get a LOT of, those could be sold for $25-30 shipped anywhere in the world, and it would help a lot of people (still cheaper than scavenging from a dead GBA SP).
Thoughts on the above are good! Go!
I put a poll, just vote if you are in favor in general, I will make a seperate poll for the adshare thing at a later date, in case you guys propose alternate systems.
1. In the next week or so, I hope to be able to put together a custom PHPBB3 theme for the forums. Yay.

2. We have made $30 this month! Yay! However, we need to figure out what to do with ad money. We have not had any "massive" threads like the 500,000 view Sifuf one on benheck, or even the very common 100,000+ views that most portables on engadget get. We are still a new forum, so it might be a whole before we fully finalize the ad system, but we may as well have a trial run of something for now to figure it out fully. Here are the options:
1. All ad money goes to me, you guys get absolutely nothing, I can do whatever I want with it.

2. All the ad money goes to me, and I will use it to pay for hosting first, and use the rest to buy prizes for contests.
3. All the money from completed projects threads goes to the people who posted the thread, according to a formula based on exact views.
4. Half the money from completed projects threads goes to the people who posted the thread, according to a formula based on exact views.
5. Have the adshare system set up so that people can get ad money for threads, but only if it gets to the point where it matters. To be honest, I do not want to be managing $3 micropayments to people.

I was thinking of a system along these lines: I get the money from the ads, use it to pay for hosting first, then all leftovers go into a "general fund". Whenever someones gets a number of views that actually matter, say, 50,000, they get a payout from the general fund. They will get another payment at 100,000, another at 200,000, and so on. The payout will be based on the average ad revenue per view. So if we are making, say, $1 for every 10,000 views, you would get a $100 payout at 100,000, $200 at 200,000, etc. What do you guys think the view limit minimum for payment would be? The rest of the general fund will be used to fund prizes for any contests we have. Any other tweaks to the system?
And finally, what do you guys think of an official modretro store? I was thinking it would be good for things like those "100 screens" deals that pop up on eBay from time to time, they could be bought, and then sold from the store at a small profit (The goal would be to help modders). In addition, people that have products that they make and are relevant to the community could get an account on the store. For example, Jleemero could have PS1 modchips, and robm could have his OBPD system listed for sale. People also seem to want polarizers for gameboy backlights, and it is hard to get new film in low quantities, so that could be sold, along with LED backlight strips and the like. I also found a 3.5" LED frontlight panel for $17+shipping that I could get a LOT of, those could be sold for $25-30 shipped anywhere in the world, and it would help a lot of people (still cheaper than scavenging from a dead GBA SP).
Thoughts on the above are good! Go!