

Lightbulbs are awesome!
Okay. I was always cool with ads for unregistered members, but I'm not liking this. How much would I have to donate to equal the revenue this *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Mine Things ad brings in? Cause I want it gone
For some reason, when I'm on the View New Posts page, the Mine Things page automatically pops up after like 5 seconds. Annoying as *Can'tSayThisOnTV* :P
J.D said:
For some reason, when I'm on the View New Posts page, the Mine Things page automatically pops up after like 5 seconds. Annoying as *Can'tSayThisOnTV* :P
Its on every page and loads up from the start.

Palmer said in the other thread nothing is permanent, but he is probably on his way to CO by now so I doubt he can change the placement atm. If it really bothers you just get adblock for Firefox or Chrome and block it.
I already read the Testing Ads thread. I'm just saying, if the website really needs the money, I'll donate whatever if it means no ads. ffs
Unfortunately, adblock for Chrome is a useless piece of flax :( doesn't even block it.
You can't right click and manually block things with the Chrome one? Maybe you should get Firefox then. :P
AdBlocking it just leaves a large space where it was before, which is worse in my opinion.
Zero said:
You can't right click and manually block things with the Chrome one? Maybe you should get Firefox then. :P
Even when I uninstall Firefox, when I put it back on it's all messed up. Which is why I'm using Chrome:P
srry this might be spam idk but at first i thought this said aids and also no ads except for the one at the top has shown up for me
Ampersand said:
I already read the Testing Ads thread. I'm just saying, if the website really needs the money, I'll donate whatever if it means no ads. ffs

So you'll donate large, repeatable amount of money to keep a large site up? Might as well go buy a lexus taped to a Ferrari.
Yoshi, don't be ignorant. Maybe for someone with no income it may be expensive to keep a site as large as this up, but I could probably pay for ModRetro to stay up for a few years with the spare cash I have in the bank.
Ampersand said:
Yoshi, don't be ignorant. Maybe for someone with no income it may be expensive to keep a site as large as this up, but I could probably pay for ModRetro to stay up for a few years with the spare cash I have in the bank.

Be my guest! :awesome:

Honestly, though, I have been really clear that this is just testing, and NOTHING is set in stone, which is why the layout of ads has been changing every few days now. Also, it is pretty obvious that you would not mind the ads for non registered users, you know, being a registered user and all. :dah: I am obviously trying to keep it reasonable, a single, static image banner ad is not too intrusive, in my opinion.

Here is my current idea, that I will likely run with: Have the default site theme set to have ads, and a theme without ads that is otherwise identical as a selectable option. I do not want to force people to donate just to get rid of ads, that would not be cool at all, especially since I know a lot of people are in the situation of truly needing to hold on to their money. If I do this, then unregistered users get ads, most forum members get ads (Nothing insane, I am keeping it modest, banner and header; Have you guys SEEN the ads a lot of forums have?), but those who want to turn them off can. Sound like a win/win, amirite?

Just an FYI, I might merge this with the ad testing thread. I know it is fun to make threads to Sega about new ads, but feedback like this is exactly what I am looking for, and being out of town, one of the reasons it took me so long to reply is because it was not in that thread, which I am keeping an eye on.
I'm fine with the current advertising. Some other forums like pspiso have a TON of banner ads, it is honestly ridiculous. That said, places like instructables have taken the whole advertising thing to a whole new level. When they introduced pro I almost immediately stopped going there.
So, Basically, if it's unintrusive, and doesn't pull features from members, it's fine in my eyes.
Ampersand said:
Yoshi, don't be ignorant. Maybe for someone with no income it may be expensive to keep a site as large as this up, but I could probably pay for ModRetro to stay up for a few years with the spare cash I have in the bank.

So you are willing to waste all your money so a tiny little ad at the top one a single webpage is no longer there.

Might as well invest in some glasses that make pigeon waste look like scrabble pieces.
Lets not all fight about this. :P Some people hate ads and don't care about supporting MR, and that is fine (Probably the majority of our non registered members!), some people hate ads and would throw the itty bitty amount of money it takes to offset your portion (Seriously, each registered member might make us a few pennies off ads, I am not worried about you disabling them), and some people do not mind them.

We can all get along here!''

And Amp, as for the financial state of the site, it is really not too bad. We are paying a little more for hosting now, and my combined loss on MR over the past two years, after the modest money we have made off ads at various points in time, is only a little over $200. Don't worry, MR is safe, financially speaking!
I would like to remind people that ad-block plus is still out there. It may not block this ad by default, but you should still be able to manually block it by right-clicking it.