A suggested soldering iron?


I've been using this Radioshack soldering iron for a while now, and it has served me well for learning, but the tip is a bit thick for more delicate things. I've been looking into a soldering iron with a thinner tip for PCB applications. Are there any suggested models?

Thank you.
While I'm sure it is indeed very nice, that is a bit out my range considering this is more a hobby than anything. However, thank you for the suggestion, and if I have to invest an amount around there to get an improvement from the radioshack iron, then so be it.
If you like Hakko, but not the price, then I highly recommend Aoyue. They are chinese Hakko clones, but they are EXCELLENT quality. Ive had my 968 for more than a year now, and havent had any problem. Runs like a champ, heats VERY fast (30 seconds roughly) and has a very comfortable pin. Reflow and smoke remover are awesome as well. Unbeatable in the price department. Mine was $150.

If a full blown station isnt quite what you have in mind, then a weller pen iron will do you great.

Course if all you need is a smaller tip, you can get those for ratshack irons.
If you want something better than a cheap iron but don't want to spring for a station, get a Weller WP25, WP30 or WP35. I have a WP25 and it is excellent. Make sure to get a smaller tip though, the stock one is huge. Cost me $50 CAD, should cost maybe $35 USD.
Yeah, while the stations would be great, but out of my range atm. The Weller WP25 looks perfect for me. I'll have to either order one or swing by ze hardware store sometime. Thanks! :awesome:
What is your price range, exactly? Normally I would suggest getting a Metcal or OKI powered by Metcal soldering station (it heats up instantly and stays a nearly constant temperature the whole time it is on), but those run from around 200+ unless you buy used.

Also, the Weller irons XCVG are pretty good, especially for the price they offer
Make sure you get a WP series iron and not an SP series one. The WP series has better tips, better tip retention, a better heater, and a 3-wire cord. They also cost more.
If you can go a little higher, Radioshack's digitally adjustable iron is SUPER nice, I've been real happy with it. It's about 75 bucks though.