A NEW DSi ! With pics The name in USA an PAL will be DSi XL


Nintendo for EVAR!

The NEW DSi will be : DSi XL and will cost just about 180$

Wow, Nintendo. Way to screw over people who have already bought one.

The DSi doesn't impress me, period.

Nvidia makes the Tegra. :facepalm:

Also, it has been a whole year since the DSi came out in Japan. They are not screwing over anybody, especially if this takes the normal amount of time to get to market. I mean, really, it will have been almost 2 years since the DSi came out when this thing does, and by the time it gets to the US, it will probabaly have been about the same amount of time.

Woops, misread. :oops:

But who said this was going to use the Tegra? I have not seen that in any sources.

geek.com said:
So after the DSi’s lackluster update, it makes sense that Nintendo is intending on replacing the DS with something new. And it looks like we might have just got the first hint of what that something new will entail. According to Brightside of News, Graphics chip maker NVIDIA have just been awarded a contract to provide its mobile system-on-a-chip, Tegra, to power a new Nintendo DS, which they state will be announced in late 2010.
Doesn't look like this useless model of the DSi is going to have the Tegra. When the successor to the DS comes out, I'll definitely buy it, and then be like "HEY DEE ESS EYE LOSERS I BOUGHT THE DS2 NOOBZORS HAHAHHA.

And I really have a feeling that Nintendo is going to pull a Sega-like *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up.
Re: A NEW DSi ! WOOOT? Updates

The New DSi wil have 2 4 inch screens! :D

The psp go has an 4,3 inch screen.

This is good nintendo! If the screens are bigger, it should be more powerful and more entertaining!
In the other way, nintendo have produced the DS system since 2004, so it would be exiting to se something
with a brand new design and not two screens.
Re: A NEW DSi ! WOOOT? Updates

PalmerTech said:
Woops, misread. :oops:

But who said this was going to use the Tegra? I have not seen that in any sources.
I think it was on Engadget at one point. They said it would have graphics that matched the Zune HD, so you can assume it will have Tegra, or something similar by Nvidia.
Re: A NEW DSi ! WOOOT? Updates

I think it's going to use something that is made especially for Nintendo, like the wii's "Hollywhood" Processor from ATi
Re: A NEW DSi ! WOOOT? Updates

Nintendott said:
The New DSi wil have 2 4 inch screens! :D

The psp go has an 4,3 inch screen.

This is good nintendo! If the screens are bigger, it should be more powerful and more entertaining!
In the other way, nintendo have produced the DS system since 2004, so it would be exiting to se something
with a brand new design and not two screens.

Bigger screens would not make it more 'powerful'.

Although I think it's cool Nintendo is making the screens bigger, it kinda seems like an unnecessary model before their next true handheld. I'm also concerned about battery life with these bigger screens, but if I ever decide to get a DSi then I might consider this model instead if the price is right. That's highly unlikely though, I'm doing just fine with my lite atm.
Re: A NEW DSi ! WOOOT? Updates

I don't see the point in bigger screens. Even the DSi looks horribly disproportionate. Also, too little too soon. Wait a bit and release a TRUE successor to the DS. Love the touchscreen. Clamshell design and two screens is nice but I wouldn't complain if they left it out of the next one. Needs an analog stick or two. Needs more power. Stop trying to keep homebrew and flashcarts out and stop trying to make people blow money on your "DSi Store".
Re: A NEW DSi ! WOOOT? Updates

What they need to do is make a portable GameCube or new Console that plays Old GameBoy Color Games and Advance games.


Or if they dont then ill continue on my GC Portable! :lol:
Re: A NEW DSi ! WOOOT? Updates

xXPunisher24Xx said:
Ya, they would make the buttons more higher and the analog stick longer

Then it would crack the screen when you close it. :P

Not if they recess the screen like Ben did with his Commodore 64 laptop. Unfortunately, though, that and full-size analog sticks would make the whole unit way too thick.

J.D said:
And I really have a feeling that Nintendo is going to pull a Sega-like *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up.

This. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, amirite?