$5 psone screens for the MR store!


Frequent Poster
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/169-Official-Sony ... fa7bf#shId

Yes, those are PAL, but kibble and Beta have said you can change them to NTSC easily.

Yes, they are faulty, but many of them ought to be fixable. No sound? Who gives a flax? LM386! Broken backlight? LED mod! Cracked LCD? Replace it with one from the unfixable ones! No video? Aw well, you get an LCD and tons of parts out of it to fix the others.

If you offer that guy 400 GBP and figure, what, 100 GBP shipping, that's $821=$4.85 a screen. Say half of them are unfixable? You're still paying less than $10 a screen and you get all these other ones free that you can steal parts out of!

Buy em, fix em, sell em on the MR store for $30 each.


Only problem I see so far: who will do the work? Send them all to someone and have them send them to each good modder to fix, like jlee, bibin, palmer, ss, etc. etc.? Then each of those people could get a little bit of the profit for their screens and the joy of helping their favorite website!

Tell me this isn't a great idea.
Its a good idea, but I see two problems.
What if way more than half of them are un-fixable?
And who will buy this huge lot?
Great idea, but hard to execute. I would be in for 20 or so, but not nearly that many.

Also, when you can get better, newer, lighter, thinner 5" screens for $30 or so wholesale, it kinda negates the attraction of the PSone screen.

If they were NTSC, I might just be interested, but that would be a Heck of a lot of work.
Palmer, you gotta show us some of those new screens. :P

Unless you already have and i just haven't seen because I don't go on the screens board. :|
ebay seller said:
This lot is strictly a cash on collection lot only.

Good luck getting a plane ticket to the UK and bringing all those screens back.
Well, we do have kickback, and I'm sure if we offered them a nice amount and no one else was interested they'd do it.
pLover said:
Palmer, you gotta show us some of those new screens. :P

Unless you already have and i just haven't seen because I don't go on the screens board. :|

They are not ones the general public buys, they are wholesale ones with a minimum quantity. I am not supposed to post the info about them unless I actually buy them. :P