Recent content by BenFTW

  1. BenFTW

    What's everyone up to now?

    I haven't learned or amounted to anything in all these years! I've even forgotten a little. But not you all. <3
  2. BenFTW

    ModRetroThon voting thread! - Results are in!

    Re: ModRetroThon voting thread! Pshhhh... I have been waiting forever for this thread to pop up.. I should probably just be more active in the forum. 1. Best Mod a. Ishmael1010 b. pkmnjunky7 c. ShockSlayer 2. Best Portable a. Mario b. Bino Gas 3. Best Shoop a. BenFTW b. ShockSlayer They...
  3. BenFTW

    Official Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo/ Epoxy thread!!

    More sculpey! I just have tons of it... T-rex skull! The image does no justice on the paint.. I think. Or just a little too dark. Blehhh.
  4. BenFTW

    Official Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo/ Epoxy thread!!

    I actually made some quality sculpture! The others were just ok. :? This is a little test maquette bust for a stop motion video I want to make. Not sure if I will ever make it though.
  5. BenFTW

    Official Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo/ Epoxy thread!!

    Re: Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo thread!! LOL I actually put fimo, but all I've ever used is Sculpey.. :rofl:
  6. BenFTW

    Official Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo/ Epoxy thread!!

    Re: Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo thread!! Yusssssssssssss! And Jidan, your friend is awesome at it. The Big Daddy is awesome. :awesome:
  7. BenFTW

    Official Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo/ Epoxy thread!!

    Re: Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo thread!! Also, this.
  8. BenFTW

    Official Sculpey/ Polymer Clay/ Fimo/ Epoxy thread!!

    I am by no means (at all) the one who should be starting this thread, but I thought it would be pretty nifty if people posted their sculptures and what not.. So I'll post what I have done, and some tips, but if anyone else has any stuff they have made, post it here! To start out, just go to a...
  9. BenFTW

    Farewell guys!

    Dude! Have fun. I'll miss you...
  10. BenFTW

    A pocket-sized Atari 2600 Portable: Stella

    Priceless. And Mario, beautiful, sexy, hawt portable. :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: I don't think you are supposed to use those words to describe electronics.. Oh Wellllllll.
  11. BenFTW

    A pocket-sized Atari 2600 Portable: Stella

    I can't wait to see the finished portable!!
  12. BenFTW

    ModRetroThon 1: Summer 2010!

    I'm all up for that.
  13. BenFTW

    ModRetroThon Entry Thread

    Well here is not only the first entry, but also the first in the shoop category! Full size picture here! Yuh, awesome entry right below this..
  14. BenFTW

    ModRetroThon 1: Summer 2010!

    Well.. Instead of entering a portable, I'll be entering a shoop. I have my 10$ ready, but no good prizes.
  15. BenFTW

    A pocket-sized Atari 2600 Portable: Stella

    Just looking at this makes me want to make a tiny portable. But I would fail. Nice work! :tophat: