A pocket-sized Atari 2600 Portable: Stella

Mario you are a traitor.

First you attempt to ruin my karma.

Then you return to BH.

Get the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* out of here.


:ssawesome: :awesomemario:

Awesome, SS.

Mario, the uneven screw holes are the only thing that gives away that this is a DIY project.

Even then, wow.

I <3 mario. He's mine. everybody else GTFO.

I don't share.

I was kind of worried about how the plastic would hold up to counter-sinking, but it looks like it will be just fine. Can't wait to see it done. :)
You guys are too great. :) Thanks for all the comments.

Beta and Atari: Thanks. :3

SS: <3 :ssawesome:

BM: We will be so happy together. :awesome:

I'm at my Dad's house for the weekend so no updates until Sunday. But, I can get some countersunk screws so that's good.
Ben and Twilight: Thanks! :awesome:

Over the weekend I got some countersunk screws. (Thanks for the suggestion, Beta. :wink: ) They are perfectly flush with the case and plenty strong:

The cartridge wiring was much too thick, so I redid it with 32 wire and didn't separate all the strands.

Here is the volume control and the select/reset buttons: (sorry for the poor lighting)

2nd player port glued in:

Left: A/V out, Right: Charge port

With the cables plugged in:

I am done painting the back, hence items being glued in. Tomorrow I am selling lemonade with my younger brothers until maybe 4pm, so no updates till then. :wink: Some other kids are selling lemonade and talking trash on our lemonade stand to potential customers. We're gonna do better than them. :P
Lemonade stands are a tough business, man, or at least that's what I've heard. Teach those punk-ass kids who runs the lemonade racket in your neighborhood!

Oh, nice progress, by the way; it's looking better and better with each update. :D
Put spotlights on your stand and attach your portables to those rubber things game controllers are on at walmart for demo systems, then charge people $5 for 10 minutes of play. :P

I'll let these pictures speak for themselves! :)











So, it's basically completed. Everything works except the cartridge slot and the A/V out. With the slot, it's probably just a short; it's happened many times. For the A/V out, the FB2 doesn't want to share the video signal and the outputted video is a rolling picture. I think the screen's chip has a video out signal, though, so I'll tap into that.

One more thing, too. I tried my hardest to make a second battery fit, but the case wouldn't close. :( So, it has only one 600mAh battery, giving about 1.2 hours if the audio is on all the time at full volume. If the sound is off, it should last around 2.5 hours.
Thanks. :awesome: I just realized I forgot to take pictures of it in action, so you'll have to trust me that it works for now. :wink:
Wow. How did you fit everything in there? With YAP64, I had lots of extra space and still had to force it together.
You need to get different screws for the posts, and somehow shield the inside of the cart slot. Then it will be perfect.