A pocket-sized Atari 2600 Portable: Stella

Thanks. :) It's not too hard, but it's a fun challenge fitting it in a case like this.

Finished painting the front, and installed the screen, audio amp, and controls:


Tell me what you guys think! :D
I think that this is going to be the best atari portable ever!

now I want to make one. Probably with real hardware, since I don't want to go looking for a cartslot.

I have to finish the bigblackpnes first
I can see why J.D. suggests sanding. It isn't quite perfectly straight. Other than that, it's a fantastic looking piece of work. I'm looking forward to seeing this one completed. It's a very nice portable.
I know the screen border still needs a little filing, but it's too late now anyway since the screen is glued in. Oh well, it's not really that bad at all, anyway.
Thanks for the compliments, too! :awesome:

I got my Atari carts yesterday, and I found I have enough room (just BARELY) to have the cart slide in the top. I needed a way to mount the PC board I had the slot soldered to, but I didn't have brackets small enough. So, I took some NES shielding, cut it up and bent and soldered it into some tiny brackets. They're really strong, especially with the triangle soldered on one side.



The spacers are there to take the force of putting in a cartridge and distribute it to the top of the PC board. Otherwise, it would rip the traces off after a few cart insertions.






There is almost no room for the cart. I had to dremel all the way to the bottom of the bottom half and in the top half the cart clears the components on the screen by about a tenth of a millimeter. But, it fits! So, next I need to wire the cartridge slot to the FB2, put in the volume control and select/reset buttons, and paint the bottom half.
Good idea, but I'm afraid it'll stress the plastic too much. Do you think it'll be fine?
You might try large, thin washers on the inside of the case between the brackets and the back if you are going to countersink the screws. At least that way more of the flex and force exerted by the cartridge will be spread out across the entire back.
neverused said:
You might try large, thin washers on the inside of the case between the brackets and the back if you are going to countersink the screws. At least that way more of the flex and force exerted by the cartridge will be spread out across the entire back.

This is a good idea.
Alright, I countersunk the holes before painting the case. I only have one countersunk machine screw right now, so I'll use regular ones until I get some.

XCVG, I also took your suggestion on lowering the paddle. I put some spacers on the pot so it's moved down about 3/16" (almost 1/4").

I put a couple coats of paint on the back after I drilled all the holes. Once it's completely painted, I can start putting stuff inside it.
I added the cartridge slot on the FB2. I had wired it backwards at first, but I fixed it.
I would take pictures but my camera batteries are charging.
I'll change it to SS's. But don't tell anyone. :P

EDIT: It borks the forums. Lawl
More photos!
Cartridge slot working.

The back, painted. Still needs more paint, though. You can see the volume knob hole on the left and on the right are the holes for the Select/Reset tacts.

Left to right: Charge port, A/V out, 2nd player controller port.


What batteries are you using? What does the controller 2 port look like in that irregular hole?
Using 2 GBASP batteries for 1200mAh, 3.7v. The controller port looks fine, the curve of the case makes it look a bit strange in the photo.