A pocket-sized Atari 2600 Portable: Stella


Gin-Choobinest Member
Staff member
Making a new portable, this time it's Atari 2600! :awesome: The Atari doesn't seem to get much lovin', so that's one of my reasons for making one.

I actually will not be posting my worklog here! It's all going to be over on Benheck.


I will, however, occasionally post pictures of progress over here, for those of you too lazy to click the link.

So, here's progress so far!

Proving everything works:

The case so far:


Next is sanding and painting the case!
Yes, that d-pad and paddle trigger are from a GBP. :wink:
Reading Skilz 101

On Benheck said:
FITS IN A POCKET! The case is what an iPod Touch comes in, and it's pretty small. The dimensions are 5x3x1-1/8".

Unless you were being sarcastic. :wink: If not, I see you're one of the ones that I'll be posting stuff over here for. :P

EDIT: Also, by noticing your location (which I now remember has been the same for a long time) I have concluded that you were, indeed, being sarcastic. :P
That paddle sticks up A LOT. I would slim it down if you want it to go into a pocket.
You're an admin on Modretro...

...who makes worklog almost Benheck exclusive.

Good job helping out our forum there!
J.D said:
You're an admin on Modretro...

...who makes worklog almost Benheck exclusive.

Good job helping out our forum there!
i would complain, but sprocket64 was here, and its incredible.

i looked into using an ipod touch case once. but i decided nothing i wanted to portableize was small enough.
XCVG: I thought about that, but moving it down much further makes it really hard to grip. It's not too bad.

JD: I know, right? :awesome:

On Benheck said:
So, when I "moved" to ModRetro, I pretty much disappeared on here. I decided to pay homage to the site that originally fathered me and post my Stella worklog here! I also noticed that some older members are returning, so perhaps I'll hop on the bandwagon.
Audio amp built today:



I'm going to paint the front half tomorrow. I need to sand it first, though.
It's smaller than a penny. I love soldering like that. :awesome:

First coat of paint on the front, since I don't need to put any more holes in it:

I wet-sanded both halves with 600 grit sandpaper. It looks cloudy, but not scratched, so it's perfect.
TMH, I have a cart slot planned, but the cart will be sticking straight out the back. I don't want it any thicker. :wink:

So today I chopped the FB2 board up ""something fierce"" and it still works just fine. :wink:

Here is everything wired up besides the cart slot. The audio amp in the corner has a 5k pot that acts as a voltage divider for the volume control, but I was too lazy to hook it up for this test shot. :P

Close-up of the FB2 board:

The regulator and audio amp hooked up. I had fried my first GBC step-up because of a short, so this is a new one. Good thing I have 5 GBCs laying around. :P

I put a couple more coats of paint on today, but it's still not 100% opaque. More like 89%. Tomorrow I do some more painting then I'll cover it with clear coat after 2 days.