A pocket-sized Atari 2600 Portable: Stella

banditpaw1 said:
Just wondering if you were to sell this what would you consider it to be worth?

Priceless. And Mario, beautiful, sexy, hawt portable. :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll:
I don't think you are supposed to use those words to describe electronics.. Oh Wellllllll.
Hehe, it's true. :P

Usually how it goes for me is that I make a portable system for myself. If I make another of the same system I use the experience to make it better and then sell the second one. :)
If I were to sell it, it probably would be around $250.

Anyway, I got the cartridge slot to work and fixed the video out issue. I added a lever switch in the cartridge slot, and the switch that used to switch from the built-in games to the cartridge now controls whether the video signal goes to the screen or a TV.


I will take nice pictures and a video tomorrow! :)
Thanks! :awesome:

Alright, I think this portable is officially completed. I added a low-battery indicator based on daftmike's:
(the second revision)
I redesigned it so that it only needs two transistors, but does not have a green LED, just turns on a red one when the battery is low. Here is the circuit I built:


I also added a jack for an external battery pack/power source. It still cannot charge while playing, however, because the battery is only hooked to the charge port when the power switch is in the off position.

Here is the low-battery indicator in the case:

External battery port:

I did not drill a hole for the LED but instead stuck it under the screen, behind the plastic. When it lights up, it shines through the paint.

Just to prove the cartridge works:

External power supply plugged in: (the case isn't closed in this picture)
do you have any guidlines for trimming the flashback2 to that size and how hard is it to get it rewired and working?