What are the PERFECT specs?


#1 Female Member
my father, awesome man that he is, is looking into having a guy he knows use his insider knowledge to get me screens, custom built to my specs, for portables. so, i implore the, what would be, the absolute perfect specs? i am thinking of having 2 screens made, one (one of the varieties being) 5" and one 7" widescreen.

currently, im looking at:

Screen #1: 5" 4::3:
-LED backlit
-composite, S-video, RGB
-tiny control board
Screen #2: 7" 16:9
-LED backlit
-switchable aspect ratio
-image scaling
-composite, S-video, RGB, VGA
-tiny control board

any recommendations for changes, or suggestions?

if i get these, they would be great for that one place. :awesome:
I would do a screen 3, with a 2.5" screen with a resolution of 256 × 224, frontlit. Perfect for small N64 portables, without the expansion pack, and with RGB.
N64ps haven't gotten small enough to use a screen that small.

Sam, lol, 600 X 480 is a weird res, and 800 X 600 is 4::3:, not 16:9.
J.D said:
I think he meant 640x480.
yeahthat. and snow, tell that to my nokia N-810, and my asus EEE 701. 800x600 can be both. it depends on the pixels. ;)

and there is no reason to do a 2.5" screen. the pustom ones are fine, and for higher quality you can buy the aei comp screens.
I'm just taking a shot in the dark here but, is there any way i could commission you for a custom screen?
lyberty5 said:
I'm just taking a shot in the dark here but, is there any way i could commission you for a custom screen?
perhaps. give me the specs you want, and i will see how much it would cost.
Well sorryto bug you with that^^ but the specs i would look like would be about 12" could go lower,
led backlight if possible,
i don't really know yet about the definition... Sorry, not an expert ...
Composite at least
switchable aspect ratio
Is it possible to have it run by 12V
and i think this is going to be the problem : PAL signal..

Could you tell me the price this could go for? Pm me if you wish

If that screen isn't buildable (?) i like the specs of your 7" one

btw you don't specify about speakers but i guess there is none by your process, which is fine by me...

Thanks again, even if this is in vain
theres no audio on these screens. only video. and i believe they will all have Pal/Ntsc support and auto detection. im submitting a preliminary order soon. so i will let you know.
I want an 8" 4::3:, at least VGA and preferably RGB or at least composite as well, for making micro arcades.
ToastBucket said:
Palmer should get a bunch of 4.25", 5", and 7" displays with good specs made and sell them in the MR store. :awesome:
thats basically what im trying to do here. ;)

i looked at some 5" stuff, and i agree. 4.25" would be epic. so that will be in there.

XCVG: theres an 8" 4::3: on DX
Beta: wrong as far as 7" screens go. the are great for several things, and there arent any good ones out there that are easy to get. (if you want aspect ratio switch, that is) ;)

how does a 10" or 11" 4::3: sound? perfect for laptops. and we all love laptops. :awesome: